Chapter 2

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The car came up next to me and the window came down.

Third person Pov

''You're the cutie that just got fired from the cafe right?'' Suna asked bluntly from his car leaning over Akaashi with a sly smirk while Akaashi just rolled his eyes leaning his seat back causing Suna to fall over a bit. Shoyo was frozen. Why had they followed him? Were they going to hurt him?

"Um- Ya..sorry that you had to wait longer for your drinks again." He said quickly with a blush on his face.

"H-have a good evening!" 'GODDAMNIT WHY DO I KEEP DOING THAT' Shoyo mentally scolded himself.

"Don't worry about it chibi.. but if you really wanna make it up to me why don't you let us give you a ride home....?" Suna looked at him as if asking for his name.

"Oh right! Hinata Shoyo!" he said with a bright smile. Suna blushed while trying to cover his face with his sleeve. 'cute' Suna thought.

"Im Suna Rintaro, this is Akaashi Keiji" he said while pointing his thumb at akaashi while still leaning over him.

"and the back set in Kenma. He hates formalities so just stick with that." Shoyo could slightly see Kenma pop his head up and look at him and put his head back down.

"Well get on in Hinata, we're  giving you a ride home." Suna said sliding back into his seat.

"It's dark anyway so we would feel bad if we just left you here." Akaashi said trying to convince him. Hinata thought it was thoughtful but he also didn't want to hold them up to much. It was still dangerous out at night so maybe they would okay with just dropping him off at the station or something close to it.

"You don't have to take me home you can just drop me of at the station I live about thirty minutes away from here anyway!'' Shoyo said getting into Suna's car and sitting next to Kenma who was looking at Shoyo intently till he made eye contact and just smiled lightly.

"Nah its fine well just take you there it's safer anyway." Suna said but with a little more authority in his voice saying that his decision is final. As Shoyo was about to text his mom to let her know he was on his way Suna speed up and made a sharp turn causing Shoyo to fall on top of Kenma's lap and lead to an awkward hand placement on Kenma's lap making him stiffen.

"OMG I'm so sorry Kenma!"" Shoyo muffled into his hands embarrassed.

"It's fine. Are you ok Hinata?" Kenma asked looking down at him. Shoyo blushed at the situation he had gotten himself in. Akaashi and Suna laughed a bit while looking at Kenma through the rearview mirror but Kenma decided to ignore them.

" Ya i'm fine. You all can just call me Shoyo, I dont mind!" Shoyo said happily with a warm smile making the others in the car heart's flutter.

" Well then you can just call me Rin." Suna said in an almost flirty tone that Shoyo didn't notice due to still being caught up in recent events making Suna a bit disapointed.

"You can call me Keiji if you want." Akaashi muttered shyly.

"Rintaro your a reckless driver." Kenma scolded in a monotone voice with disgust written on his face.

"whatever" Suna grumbled watching the road as a new song played slowly swaying his head to the beat of the music while Shoyo just watched and smiled.
" You play that game too?" Hinata asked Kenma almost excitedly. Kenma had been caught of guard by this. The game was fairly new and was surprised he knew about it.
"Uh ya I just got a a week or two ago but it's really fun." Kenma responded a little happy because he normally doesn't talk about his interests like this.
"Really? Same! I think i'm on level 39 but I haven't played since yesterday." Hinata then asked.
"What level are you on?"
"I'm on 37 but it's actually kinda hard." Suna and Akaashi were shocked to hear this but didn't say anything as this was the most they've heard him talk to a stranger.
"Oh I hated that one! It took me like a whole day without cheat codes anyway."
"Do you maybe wanna play together sometime?" Kenma asked quickly.
"Of course!" Hinata answered taking his mind off of what happened earlier with his job.
A new song played as he watched Kenma play and beat the level he was stuck on and congratulated him.

𝐀𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐮𝐞𝐬 Sunahina feat. AkakenWhere stories live. Discover now