chapter 3

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Third person's Pov

Shoyo leaned up against the door tilting his head back resting it while the blood leaves his face. A breath left his mouth as he took off his shoes thinking about what he was going to tell his mom. He didn't have a chance to think about it because of the car ride although he wasn't complaining because of it.

Shoyo went to the bathroom before heading into the kitchen where heard his mom talking on the phone and his baby sister making noises in her high chair. He washed his face of then looked at himself for a second.'What have I gotten into' he thought of the recurring moments that had been playing in his head since the moment they happened. Sitting on Kenma's lap, hugging Akaashi, Suna practically pinning him. It made his face get hot again. He continued thinking about it until there was a knock on the bathroom door.

"Honey?" his mom said concerned.

" Are you okay? You've been in there for a minute."

"I'm fine I was just washing my face." he said still lost in his thoughts.

" Oh okay then come on out to eat." his mom walked away to set the table. Shoyo to one last look at himself then went to the kitchen to be greeted by his baby sister spitting at him with a smile as if she was saying ' look what I can do'.

They then sat down to eat their dinner. Shoyo told his mom about the cafe situation. She understood and told him that it was okay. When they were cleaning up after dinner Natsu was running around then came running up to him.He picked her up in his arms and started to twirl with her swaying to no tune in particular. The sound of Natsu giggling like a sweet melody was interrupted by his mom's abrupt coughing fit bringing her to her knees. Shoyo set Natsu down careful then grabbed some water and a paper towel and rushed over to her. He gave a her a paper towel to wipe her face off then took the water.

"Thank you Shoyo" his mom paused for a second taking another sip of water then continued.

"I guess I have to tell you know then" she smiled with a said chuckle.

"Mom? What do you mean?" shoyo questioned more concerned than confused.

"Well I had an appointment earlier that was just a yearly check up." she started.

"When I thought I was about ready to go they wanted to X-ray my chest to be safe because I had a coughing fit,like this one actually, just to be safe and I obliged." Shoyo's mom looked at the floor then got up off the floor and onto a nearby chair.

"The doctor said that they had found a clump in my lung area but aren't quite sure what it was. They asked me to schedule another appointment and go see them again tomorrow. The nurse told me that I should go ahead and line up a specialist doctor just in case." his mom just stared at the ceiling with tears welling up in her eyes. As Shoyo watched a tear fall from his mom's eye his waterworks started to. Natsu  just stared at them then went back to crawling on the floor. In that moment Shoyo hugged his mom tighter than ever before. After returning the hug to her son she started to sniff and shake a bit till she had a full on break down.

"I-I won't be able to work, I'm already put out of savings, I won't be able to provide for my babies.
God I'm a horrible mother."

"No your not it isn't your fault." Shoyo said comforting her.She sobbed letting it all out to her son. She didn't want to. She knows it's not his burden to carry. She simply couldn't help it.

"I'm so sorry Shoyo. This isn't the life you deserve. You or Natsu." A sad smile appeared on her face. He breathed out again and hiccuped. It happened twice before she went into another coughing fit.

𝐀𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐮𝐞𝐬 Sunahina feat. AkakenWhere stories live. Discover now