•- Chapter 1 -•

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I do write fluff and this story will be mainly that in this book
I DO NOT WRITE SMUT (sorry)  I might consider some lemon scenes

This story is most likely be will say short (at least 1h 30m reading time tho🫠)

THIS DOESN'T really follow the archon quest, I just make things up for sake of the story
I will post every few days, it depends but sometimes even only once a week, (very sorry) and I try to proof read KEYWORD: try
     -THIS IS MY FIRST TIME WRITING so it might not be the best -

I am also French so please bear with me on my grammar TvT

Your vision: Pyro || Weapon: Sword || Roommate: Furina || Furina is very close to you therefore she tells you almost everything || You know that Furina been cursed by Focalor  

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Rainy days are always sad, well at least this applies for Y/n L/n...           

< Friday, not any Friday the one Friday where its raining everyone just gotten off work to lay on their bed type of afternoon, 4:30pm >

Currently you are sitting next to your bedroom's window as you glance outside, you notices that it was raining heavily, or we can say pouring. It was truly an unfortunate day. People with umbrellas are outside hurrying to get to their destinations, crossing their fingers to not get wet, outdoor shops/markets trying to cover up their products. You sigh as you feel the sinking feeling on this rainy day.

Your roommate or " Lady Furina" also seems down, she was unusually quiet, perhaps somethings went wrong for her too. You don't quite remember the last time you saw her anyways. She has quite a bit going on for herself, you knew well how much pain she had to put through over the years.

Your parents just died a few years back and you never enjoyed your job. Yes though you help many lives it wasn't speaking to you, you wanted to pursue music and art but that never happened. Fortunately the job could cover all of your life expenses plus extra, to spoil yourself with. Although it still doesn't add points, it was still quite boring.

In the mist on silence, overthinking you're life, you hear a soft knocking sound, coming from your door. "Come in please..." you mumble just loud enough for the person on the other side to hear, Y/n would've been more enthusiastic about everything but her sleep schedule isn't on her side today. Then the door slowly creaks open and there behind the door shows Furina standing awkwardly, yet seemingly happier at the least.

"Oh greetings Furina do you need anything? Is there perhaps something new in court?" You questioned. Still wondering why she wanted to see you at such times.

"Nothing much, just feeling a bit stress on what's going on, but for court? no other word but boring can describe how it goes, no action at all. Looking to the positive, I will be hosting a masquerade ball, its been decided that it shall be named : Eternal Elegance

Almost everyone will come since it's a huge event. That includes you, you must attend. I mean how can you ever denial your archon anyways~" She says sarcastically clearly emphasizing the word Archon

"I would've said yes either way, Though isn't it a lot of responsibility to get all that set up?" A smile slowly cracks on Y/n face, Furina always there for her no matter, she was truly grateful for such a nice friend.

"mhm, It sure is, but I will be able to handle it, I can handle anything, I am almighty" She proudly states. " Though that wasn't the only thing I came here for, I want you to meet a lovely friend of mine, He is great I am sure you two will get along just fine, though I am afraid he is currently busy right now."

"Ofc I would love to meet new people! Do you know when the ball is going to take place? If it's soon would you like to go to Chiori boutique for a new dress design?" Not just since Chiori has fabulous designs on dresses, but you really needed to get yourself out of the house at this point.

" Well obviously I know when its going to take place,  I am hosting the ball. This event will be held next Friday. In the matter of fact, I was about to ask you the same. Therefore I would love to get a new dress with you!" She announced.
" Have you decided on the time?" You asked.
"Well of course who do you think I am? I came here and I already planned everything! I even checked your schedule" She says with a smirk clearly very proud that it came to her mind

" We will be leaving in 30 minutes so chop chop we don't have a lot of time left, Chiori boutique closes at 9:30pm"
She then leaves your room for you to get ready for your little outing.

By the time you two were done talking it seems that the raining has stopped. "Perfect now I don't need to take my umbrella!" you muttered under your breath

The truth was you didn't even know where exactly you put your umbrella, you were guessing it was jammed at the back of your closet in a box of some sort, though yes people could argue Fontain rains often Y/n just doesn't give a *beep*

(keeping this family friendly cause of my religion :') but if I see any 8 years old on this app I swear :D)

I mean small rain is no rain, and if it's pouring eh- You then get yourself ready to leave, you proceeds to look into your closet. " hmm... I think this will do"

Y/n didn't have many clothes she is either in her pj's or she has her work uniform she was thankful that Chiori was nice enough to design most of her outwear.

( I tried to add casual outfits that fits Genshin but it was hard TvT)

( I tried to add casual outfits that fits Genshin but it was hard TvT)

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After getting ready you leave your room, Furina was already at the door waiting for you "Srry I took a bit" you said, "no worries I just got ready myself" she reassures you. You grab your keys and leave your house. After about 3 days of being stuck inside your house, it felt quite nice to finally be outside again.
You and Furina then start making your way down the streets of Fontain, the street lights weren't on yet but, you can smell the fresh scent after the rain. Taking your stroll a little further you pass Katheryn from de adventure guide and commissions. You smile at her, while she smiles back at you. You walk pass many other shops. What a peaceful afternoon, you though to yourself you really hope this last.

Though nothing last forever....

WORDS: 1171

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