•- Chapter 10 -•

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AN: AHHH THIS BOOK is growing so fassttt thank you guys so much for almost 500 reads!!! AGAIN I AM SORRY for posting late I keep forgetting about this book

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AN: AHHH THIS BOOK is growing so fassttt thank you guys so much for almost 500 reads!!! AGAIN I AM SORRY for posting late I keep forgetting about this book

Summarizing from last chapter, you and Neuvillette are still stuck in that horrible cell room. Taking a closer look to this "room", you can tell the room is dark, no heating unlike the other nice offices in the building. The door of the room with heavy, just like Neuvilette said before you came in. The only light came from the small lantern seated at the very corner of the room and the light was barely even lit, it's flickering and seemed to go out any seconds  as seconds passes.

"so how are we going to get out??- this place probably has spiders!" You say trying you're best not to burst into tears right then and there


"Y/n shhhhh it's okay, I think or I believe there is someone who comes around and check if all the files are in place every mourning" Neuvillette replies

"NEUVIllEtte what do you mean as in you think?! That is not a stable answer! Are you suggesting we can be stuck in here forever! I am so sorry, it was my fault, fire me if you like, I would do anything to get out of this room, this room is terrifying" You didn't want to sound too winy but in this situation there is no one you aren't freaking out, let me remind you it's probably 10pm, pitch black outside, your only light supply was a lantern that was lit with batteries that could run out anytime. 

"At this moment we can only hope for the best, and don't blame yourself everyone makes mistakes. I am 100% sure we won't be stuck here forever if that helps..?" Neuvillette said that so incredibly calmly, it seemed he wasn't scared at all. 

Which you couldn't figure out if that's good or not, it's good that he is calm that he understands the situation and he probably find this situation safe. BUT it could also be that he doesn't understand the concept of fear and has a bad sense of danger.  

After what seemed like 20 minutes the room gets much colder, maybe because it's end day and all the heaters are turned off, and none of the other rooms are even radiating warmth anymore, before the rooms radiated some sort of source of heat so it probably made the room where you and Neuvillette was a lot warmer. Now it seemed that the building is empty since everyone left, and since "no one" is in the building anymore they turned off the heat. 

Just after a few more minutes? hours? perhaps it was seconds and it felt like it was hours? You didn't know anymore, it's probably pitch black outside, not that you would know. Sometimes being in the dark made you lose track of time. Well you and Neuvilette are currently seated on the ground, and leaning against the wall for back support. Now what are you seated on? a ragged blanket Neuvillette found somewhere in the room. Honestly who knew why there was a blanket in this nasty room but at least you didn't have sit on the cold concrete floor that is probably? No definitely have many many years of dirt, dust, mud? Whatever you can name that  makes things dirty (NOT IN THE OTHER WAY) 


If you couldn't already tell Y/n and I are stuck in the file room. Now I'm not mad obviously since it was a mistakes. I am though just a bit worried if the people actually check the files, many slack off on their job, trust me I know this too well, it has happened many times and I caught many of these people. After a few minutes, I've noticed it's getting quite cold, ah yes then it's probably 10:30pm that's when people turn off all lights and heaters. At least these people know their job. 

Personally I don't feel that cold, since what wear is has very thick fabric so it doesn't bother me much, plus a little cold really won't hurt me I am a hydro dragon I can withstand some sort of  coldness, but however Y/n with shivering, no surprise there she is wearing a dress and it shows her shoulders and covers only to her knees, I would be quite flabbergasted if she wasn't cold.  (Y/n is wearing a dress cause she knows she is hot, but not too much since the short dresses are uncomfortable and she wears what makes her feel comfortable) I didn't want to stare at her too much since I wouldn't like her to think I was being a creep. I just stare back at the blank wall in boredom, then I felt warm arms wrap around me. Obviously I jumped I was not used to this at all I felt my cheeks burning my face is probably red, this is bad, what if , what if- 

"Sorry I wanted a hug" Y/n said, gosh she looked so cute, calm down Neuvillette, she's just a girl control your emotions! WHAT even is this emotion!!! I still learning. She looks at me seemly waiting for an answer, her face look worried like she was scared she had just offended me. Shoot ehh I "i-its, f-fine I-i don't mind y-you being close to me" I stuttered out, AHH What was I even saying I should've said hug whyy. 

"really??!!" Y/n exclaims, right after she hugs me but this time she tightens the hug like I am her personal teddy  bear, I would be lying if I said my face wasn't red as tomato right now, she so cute! She looks up with her beautiful e/c orbs for some reason and pulls away, I saddens me how she pulled away the warmth leaving straight away after she pulled away,

(AN: HOW COULD YOU READER MAKE NEUVillette sad, he's just a baby) 

(AN: HOW COULD YOU READER MAKE NEUVillette sad, he's just a baby) 

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"Neuvillette are you.. okay? DO you have fever?! WAit are you okay? I am sort of a medical doctor I don't work in that range of medical system but I am psychiatrist maybe I can help!" Y/n look really worried, I don't think she got the hint, she immediately moves her hand to my forehead, her face had worry written all over it. Unfortunately for her that did not help me at all, my face definitely got redder, thanks gosh the room is not completely lit with light or she could actually see how red my face is

What am I going to do? 

AN: AGAIN I AM SOO SORRY that I didn't post yesterday I'm so sorry

Y'all another thing is I might start having chapter twice once a week instead since I still trying to finish many classes outside of school with like word minimum of 10,000 so y'all bear with me TvT

Word count: 1171  

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