•- Chapter 7 -•

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AN: AHHH THANKKK YOUUU soo much for almost 300 reads and for the support!!! <3 I like to apologize for not posting for the past weeks, I was very busy with classes, sorry! 

AND HUGE HUGE CHANGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Furina's dance she hosts will be called Eternal Elegance, since I do really really want to follow a bit more lore on the archon quest cause there is the dramatic scenes. 

Hu Tao POV (First person)  AHHHH if only Yanfei was here!!! IT was CHILDE'S FAULTTTTTT-

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Hu Tao POV (First person) 
 AHHHH if only Yanfei was here!!! IT was CHILDE'S FAULTTTTTT-

I didn't do anything! Look! my side of story was when Furina and Y/n went to  that cafe, I was outside CALMY sitting at a nearby bench. Then Childe came along for no reason, he challenged me in a screaming contest. I accepted cause I am no loser, and I can beat him!

HE CHEATED HE CHEATEDDD, he had a little microphone on his collar! A CHEATER cheater pumpkin eater! I only, pounced on him ONCE I didn't even cut him! I even payed attention to the people and civilians next to me! HE was the one who hit the food cart and the apple stalls! 

But to be fair I can't blame everything on him... wait ....no offence but why is the judge dude look so old,  Zhongli 2.0-  The frown on his face and  everything, looks even older since at least Zhongli smiles. I nudge Y/n, I was curious did she know him? I see him staring at her and Furina for some reason.

"Hm? Yes Hu Tao?" 

"Do you know that judge dude over there" I motioned at the judge currently seated at a large thrown.

Y/n POV (First person) 

I AM STILL STRessing what if we get put in jail!! I WANT TO GO BACK TO MY cattttttt. I was in a middle of a mental breakdown, Hu Tao nudges me with her elbow asking who Neuvillette was. 

"Fontain's judge person, I work as his assistant on weekends"

"He looks like an otter." Hu Tao replies sternly, "why is he frowning? he looks old" 

"YES EXACTLY he Neuvillette does look like an otter that was what I was trying to tell Furina, I really don't know why he frowns maybe it became a bad habit of his, I swear when I first met him I felt like I a garbage can! He glared at me I look like a rotten mango peal not only out of how his stare is absolutely terrifying he also outshined me in looks" I rambled on about what I knew about him, his cold glare and his good sides. 

After my long my explanation Hu Tao looks more confused then before.

"Y/n whatata now? Who?" Hu Tao clearly didn't catch up on many details

Then the horrifying sound came, the motion for court to begin, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoo Y/n you're so deaddddd. Court  is going to begin and Ms. Whiskers will never get to eat foood again, my poor baby cat will starve to death!!!!!!!!!!!

AN: SO EH FOR YALL singers this follows mainly the og melody so I believe in y'all to sing it <3

Jingle bells~ Jingle bells~ Jingle all the way

oh what fun it is to go to jail at such young age~ 

Dashing in a  jail with no food, and hygiene. Within two weeks I will stink and lose all my money~

OOh Jingle bells Jingle bells jingle all the way-

She hums sings, Clearly  Y/n is done with this already, she have accepted that soon she will be going to a cold dark jail cell. 

Neuvillette POV (First person) 

If I am incorrect please do correct me but is Y/n singing a jingle bells parody? 

 I don't think she knows that I can hear her, I have nice ears. 

I'm not complaining, it's great singing she has a great voice, but the lyrics are quite odd,

 she wouldn't be going to jail, I won't let that happen, clearly she is as innocent as one can get. Maybe she could have accidently knocked down a food stall by accident perhaps she was fell, but not cause a ruckus and a fight. She's too cute for that-  ahem  I didn't say that-

Court is about to begin, crowds are forming faster then 10 years olds going to saphora to get drunk elephant skin care, and that isn't a stretch. The double doors of the Court of Fontain is opening and closing every few seconds. 

Charlotte the news reporter was already noting down the scene, She sat at the front roll, with her new camera ready to capture every detail she could get her hands or should I sat camera on, heh- not funny. 

Though we should really consider change the Fontain judging system a bit, this sort of crimes shouldn't be able to make it to court. I sigh. This is wasting a lot of time to do other things. 

(3rd person)

Would you ever expect a nice Monday mourning to be so odd?

 One may be running late to their work office feeling uneasy that they may get yelled at, perhaps you're a stay home parent  teaching your kid about the wonderous world of teyvat while just getting out you're mourning coffee.

 Now you wouldn't be so lucky if you where one of food stalls, who just so happened to set up next to a small mourning cafe right around the corner of our main character Y/n house, maybe you just wanted to get some business next to busy cafe. 

Who would've known a screaming context that led to a fight would explode? Not even Mona our not so local astrologist that is missing some pennies in her pocket. Not our archon Furina for sure. 

Soon enough, our chef justice of Fontain also got swirl into this mess, now lets follow with one our unfortunate apple market stall owners into the massive beautiful building, Court of Fontain.  As he steps into the court through the multiples doors until he makes his stop at the giant double doors. He heaves himself in many others following him right on his tail. 

Some looked confused yet curious, some looked angry for they were one of those unlucky citizen that made it as a victim in our story. 

Would our main character go to jail like Liam wanted? OR would Neuvillette keep her away trouble? 

Now where did Childe go? 

Words: 1103

AGAIN I am sooooo sorry for not posting I has a writing block and I was busy with many presentations,  now I am back on track to post maybe once or twice in two days :D 

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