•- Chapter 11 -•

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AN: THANK YOU FOR 1.1k reads! I can't believe I would get here! Thank youu so much for the support you've given me!

I've LEFT THIS book unintended for like a month TvT

I've LEFT THIS book unintended for like a month TvT

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Though Y/n was a psychiatrist, you might think she understands what's happening since ohhh psychology =  understand emotions very well, but technically that isn't all of it and let's not forget Y/n is more of a biologist. To wrap it all up in unfortunately for our dearest Y/n was sort of a hopeless romantic. 

I mean she is really pretty and many AHEm- Neuvillette would say she is attractive, but she was just, just a tiny bit blunt, an over-thinker and she doesn't really think about the term of relations and "significant other". 

It's not helping that currently y/n is basically leaned over towards Neuvillette to find out what was wrong, I can confidently say they are at most 10 cm apart. Neuvillette was breathing heavily due to? well his neuro system and how it can effect someone when they are in an "embrassing or perhaps uncomfortable" situation.

Because of the particular situation. Just like any normal person, Neuvillette look nothing other then a bright red tomato. 

"-ah eh Y-Y/n I'm completely f-fine! D-don't worry! It's just the heat of the room!" Neuvillette barely stuttered out. 

Y/n's eyebrows furrowed in confusion she was worried, since a normal person's blood flow shouldn't be this fast, no that wasn't the correct way to put it, Neuvillette's blood flow isn't usually this fast. Something is wrong,  she pondered the possibilities that could affect one's blood movement speed. Guess what? She came to no avail, she just couldn't put her finger on what exactly the problem was. It just felt so frustrating since it's on the very tip on her tongue.

NEUVILLETTE POV (1st person)

Why was I stuttering!? What if she thinks I'm weird!? I can't help but stare at her, her e/c orbs are just..so pretty... SNAP out of it! 

It felt like there was two voices in my head, one was telling me to get a hold of myself and stop making the situation more awkward then it already was, but it's just...I-she. I just can't get the words out, I just can't put her into words to describe. Perhaps ethereal, no more so pulchritudinous. 

AN: Pulchritudinous- angelic, beautiful, out of world pretty etc.

"You sure Neuvillette? Please tell me if something is wrong, you matter to me, you're my friend  I want the best for you, I care for you" Y/n says softly

 I don't know how to feel, no well I do but I don't..it's just so confusing, I feel like their was butterflies in my stomach tap dancing, with each passing second it just keeps getting worse.

It was the moment of closeness I never wanted to let go, never wanted it to pass. 

She was just..- she was absolutely adorable at that moment, not like she wasn't before but that was very comforting to hear but ON THE OTHER hand DID I just get friend zoned?

Not sure what I was thinking at them moment but I guess I body reacted on their own, I couldn't stop myself, I embraced her in a tight bear hug. Perhaps at that moment I wanted to say thank you to her, or maybe I just wanted to gaslight myself on thinking I didn't just get friend zoned by a really really pretty girl. 

I was surprised she didn't push away, instead she hugged me back, this moment was on the list of best moments ever, it felt time stopped, all I can think about was her, the feeling of her in my arms. 

I wasn't sure how long we stayed like that, then all of a sudden I felt sniffling perhaps crying?

Immediately my eye brows furrowed into a frown, did I do something?! No word, not a single one can describe how scared, afraid, terrified I was. Did I scare her?

"I-I'm so sorry Neuvillette it's- it's just this, I really needed this, I-I I ha-had heart problems where some days I had to stay in the hospital bed for days and days" She takes a deep breath trying to stead her unsteady breathing, her eyes was very watery. I wanted to say something bt I knew it wasn't the correct timing. I wanted to let her speak her heart out.

 She continues "we all u-understand with how inflation and going to the hospital is a real pain"

(ehe-for whoever reading this book trying to get away from out "lovely" real world, inflation is back to haunt you)

" When night I was in surgery, right after I got n-noticed that I-I...my-my parents they died in an car accident, Fur-rina and Navia was all I had" She then bursts into silent barely even audible for the mere human ear. 

Y/n continues to cry in Neuvillette's arms. She went through quite a lot, hey perhaps both best friend Furina and Y/n and trauma so they are have  or more so experience buddies, no eh not funny? I sucrose that I am not funny. HA Cyno reference you see it? 


It was a very intimate moment for both of them, mainly Y/n she wasn't used to crying, she usually would just shove everything to the back of her mind, this gave her not so stable mental health. She was always afraid, she's scared that just because she had problem and HER problem would create a domino effect and affect others. 

Well Neuvillette, he? He just never had a attractive girl being vulnerable and crying in his arms, his heart broke seeing the tears fall, he was still trying to understand human emotions, but understand emotions or not you can tell Y/n is not in a positive state. He really wanted to comfort her in loving/admirable words to boost her confidence but all he could get out was "it's okay Y/n don't worry, I will be along with you the whole time, I promise.

He continues to hold her tightly in hopes she is okay. They both sort of "heal" each other if that even is the correct way to describe. Lets just say they were enjoying each other's comforting presence. To take this moment to heart. I guess hours or perhaps only minutes, time was lost in the mist long ago, we don't know when but I guess they both felt comfortable and before long....-

They fell asleep with each other in their arms


Word count: 1144

 AN: THANK you guys so much for the support like I said, I will be more consistent or I hope. It's kinda difficult for me to find time to write. I will try my absolute best to NOT wait like 1 month for me to post again.  

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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