•- Chapter 9 -•

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AN: On the new wish I tested it out and set a pat for Klee and I got Klee on my first pull, then I pulled another 3 wishes and got diluc, now I have fate points for Eula :D  OH AND I WOULD BE adding fluff and maybe more I guess next chapter, this ...

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AN: On the new wish I tested it out and set a pat for Klee and I got Klee on my first pull, then I pulled another 3 wishes and got diluc, now I have fate points for Eula :D 

 OH AND I WOULD BE adding fluff and maybe more I guess next chapter, this chapter is just for explaining the plot for the next chapter, so next chapter would be 10+ I guess? Not like 10 years olds and younger are supposed to be on this app-


2nd person POV

You, Furina and Hu Tao where just about to walk out of the court of Fontain from the little incident that took place that mourning. "what a ruckus that was" Furina exclaimed. "we are already getting close to the late afternoon or evening! It's 4:30pm, that whole day is wasted!" Hu Tao commented while looking at her pocket watch she took out from her coat pocket. "wait Y/n aren't you supposed to help Neuvillette today it's Sunday" Furina said,

 "oh yea that was the thing on the back of my head that I can't seem to remember " (WHY IS THIS GIVING Neuville Longbottom from Harry potter TvT) 

"SO Y/N hurry up! I need to be back home by 9:00 so we can have a girls night!" 

"okayy byeeee" You say as you rush away to the Palais Mermonia since that where Neuvillette's office is located.

Since winter is here it's already getting dark, by the time you can hurry and rush yourself to the front door or the Palais Mermonia there was only a little bit of the sun poking out of the horizon. You continue to rush yourself through the hall of the large building trying to get to Neuvillette's office as fast as possible, you almost bump into someone, at least they didn't yell at you for running the halls.

Immediately when you arrived you took deep breaths before knocking, you really didn't want to come out as out of shape with less small stamina. After preparing  yourself you softly knock on the door, you were a bit anxious since you are just a bit late and Neuvillette seem like someone who is very serious about how is time is spend. 

You heard a come in coming from the other side of the large tall door, slowly you pushed open the door, the door was surprisingly light for it's size, you definitely expected it to much heavier, though that doesn't really matter at this certain moment.  

In the office the white hair man seated at his usual desk writing something down frowning, that got you a tiny bit scared, was he mad at you?

"Greetings Neuvillette! I am so sorry I came late! I forgot please forgive me!" you were  always very apologetic as a child since you're a only child and you're father often gets drunk from work and you're mom was always sick. For even perusing and taking the course for music was a big no no,  so you where forced to take another different class and that's how you got landed you're job you have right now.

"Oh hello to you too Y/n, and please don't apologize it's perfectly being late is something  that will happen to everyone so no need for apologies, please have a seat and I will give you a task soon I just have to finish this" he says as he looks up just a bit before returning back to  what he was doing beforehand

You sigh is relief that Nuevillette not mad at you and the frown was probably just purely because he was working and it's just in concentrated face. 

Before long Neuvillette put his pen down and look up at you mentioning he finished his work, and smiles at you. "Thank you for you're patience Y/n I have something in mind for you to do, but promise me when reading these files don't read their names, some of these files that need to be sorted contains some very private information since these files are more serious court cases that happened along the year, some gore and sensitive is subject to many" 

You nod clarifying to him you understand the task , "okay I will make sure to keep my eye out to cover all the names when I am sorting them"

"Theses files are actually not here, they are in a locked room downstairs so I will guide you over to that, some may be locked behind drawers, so I will show you how to unlock those" He replies while opening one of his drawers in his desk, he takes out a very old key seemed like it already had a lot of rust covered on it. Then he motions for you to follow him.

Soon enough both of you arrive downstairs and at the end of the hallway their was a door that stood out, not because of the looks but it just had dark aura around it. If you look closer you it may even seem like the light around the door is dimmer than the others.

As you arrive at the end of the hallway, right in front of the door Neuvillette give you one warning. "Y/n this door auto locks it doesn't matter if your inside or outside you always have to use a key, now if you lose the key it's okay we have copies" he reassures you but how it auto locks is still a bit uncomforting .

He unlocks the door, you both walk in and the door shuts within seconds "see perfect example that's how it shuts so please come in quickly so you don't get hurt" Neuvillette explains

"Y/n, here try to unlock the door just to see if you can unlock it" He then hands you the old key.

You carefully took it out of you're hands and slowly moved it to the keyhole and twisted, the door  doesn't budge, "try pulling it" He explains. You do as he say you pull on it but it did worse then better you fell, and they key went flying. Now can anyone guess where this key went? Ah of course it went straight down the vent on the ground.

AN: this happened to my house key once :D 

Both of you exchange glances, he looks at you and you look at him. "ehhh the key fell-" You say.

"I have noticed..." He replies

"sooo are we stuck?" 

"yea we are"

"Yay! That's cute! :D I love gettting stuck in a creepy cell room without any windows, ain't today just my lucky day! First in court now here, how wonderful!" You exclaimed

AN: Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Sorry I posted late :D Again I will be posting tmr! 

THANK YOUUU for 400 readdss <3 

Word count: 1147 

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