•- Chapter 5 -•

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Yes I know I update everyday 🥹

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Yes I know I update everyday 🥹

(Third person POV)

- ( A silent Saturday night in Fontain 9pm ) -

As Y/n walk back from her new "part time job", Neuvillette assistant, she can't help but feel a wave of relief wash over as she steps out in the cold frosty air, winter was already here it's like she couldn't already sense the snowfall. Winter was a beautiful season, weather forecast suspects a 80% snow on tomorrow or Sunday, it was always a giddy feeling during the cold winter nights to wrap yourself up in a nice cozy blanket next to a warm burning fire and inmerge yourself in a nice good old book.

(AN: I know Fontain doesn't snow but I am from Canada and I ain't making a story without snow, plus when the snow is thick enough we can ea- )

She felt the huge relief believe it or not, not because she found Neuvillette scary, I mean she kind of did, he was tinsy bit intimidating , but not to that level to where she would feel relief just to leave his side.

The man problem was definitely mainly because of the tension between them. It truly isn't easy to be in the same INCLOSED room with our Chief Justice of Fontain, he is a high ranking fella and always have that serious monotone look on his face making it look like you're a criminal ready to get locked away in the pits of a dark prison room.


As she was walking she could still cool air brushes pass her cheeks, she shivers and tightens her jacket, she really should've gotten a warmer coat, this one will for sure get her a minor cold if she continues using this one.

But not just the nights are not just getting colder, but longer and longer as the days past. As she walks back unlike yesterday with Furina coming back from the boutique, the streets was bustling laughter and shinning lights it's crowed with all ages, cats and dogs strolls around enjoying the serenity of the dark night. She suspects since Saturday is the weekend and many families are out shopping.

Soon enough she reached her home sweet home, she unlocks the door of her humble abode. Y/n was extremely tired isn't a understatement, don't forget she was also a psychiatrist and a biologist. She still had to finish her own files and letters for her patients, soon she will have to deliver these to Navia for her to bring to there rightful owners.

Though she mainly works on psychiatry, biology is also a option, it's since biology is less needed in Fontain. People say weekends was supposed time of resting, but to many dismay that doesn't apply to many.

The moment she take of her shoes and outwear, immediately she decides to flop on the couch in utter fatigue.

(Furina first person POV)

As soon as heard the locks turn I knew Y/n was home, I am guessing she is a tired, I do I hope her first day was good. Neuvillette is a hard to individual to get under, but when you really get to know him his a big softie. In a matter of fact I was waiting for Y/n to get back, I am certainly a bit curious on how it went with Neuvillette, I've been trying to get him into more social activities since he always a stay home couch potato.

Gosh that dude doesn't know how to make friends, I apologize but his voice is absolutely horrifying if you aren't used to it, and the moment he looks at you, you look like you're going to oof and die on the spot. No offence!

(Second person POV)

"Soooooooo Y/n how did it go?" Furina asks with enthusiasm as she strolls down the stairs slowly to make her *Fancy entrance*

"Ughhhhhh I am tireeeddddddd I am soo hungryyyy I neeed foood" Y/n replies not matching even slightest enthusiasm as Furina.

"Well then girly pop lets make dinner I was waiting for you so we can talk about what happened! You can't make your archon wait for so long!" Furina exclaims in dramatic offended voice. "hmmm I guess a nice traditional Fontain dish will do how about a cassoulet?" Furina says as she inspects the fridge.

Thanks gosh Furina and Y/n has cooking skills or they would end up like Ei- I didn't say that what do you mean?

*After cooking the cassoulet *

Y/n and Furina sits at the kitchen counter chit chatting about what happened today just like any old bestie's do

"So you two are friends or?" Furina asks curiously, that was the whole point to see if Y/n could break Neuvillette's shell.

"You can say that I mean there wasn't much of a conversation between us, my stupid brain just told him that he looked like an otter-" You say in shame on what an idiot you where for randomly saying such things.

"an otter? AN OTTER? Really? Both of you where talking about work then you said, Hey you look like a otter"

"heh yes,  he actually doess though? and he looks majestic"

"WAIT hold your archons hold it hold it! majestic? Y/n did you say majestic? Are my ears fooling me?" Furina says in a teasingly smile, the only thing that was going though her mind was Neuvillette can pull that many girls? That's crazy! 

"well not to worry Y/n I support~" Furina smirks and she sees the horror on your face on what you just revealed to her.

Furina then proceeds to sing "Neuvillette and Y/n sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G" On repeat for the rest of the night. You swear on your life that you can hear her singing it in the shower, at this point she isn't even surprised if Furina ended up making a music video-.

AN: Hope you enjoyed :D This chapter was a quite rushed so there might be grammar mistakes, it's most likely I be edited  later.

Word count: 1019

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