•- Chapter 8-•

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AN: before we start I would like to apologize I forgot to post this yesterday TvT, also I am so grateful that you guys can keep up with my change of POV's I read too much of Gordan Korman (if you didn't know he uses change of POV's very often)  

AN: before we start I would like to apologize I forgot to post this yesterday TvT, also I am so grateful that you guys can keep up with my change of POV's I read too much of Gordan Korman (if you didn't know he uses change of POV's very often)  

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Now imagine yourself as one of does angry apple stall owners, the one apple stalls that you just set just got ruined, 

Now through the grande doors of Court of Fontain to see whoever decided to knock you're stall down. You might choose to stay standing by the door awaiting for the court to begin, or perhaps you chose to sit down at one of the cold wooden rolls of seats to have a rest, well in this case it doesn't matter. 

The Ludex of Fontain, Grande Judge?, Chief of Justice? Your honor? Leader of the ORatrice MÉcanIQUE d'ANaLYSe CaRdiNal? He has many names, now we are getting of track, well anyways that dude was seated at his usually thrown looking over the civilians, whether they are  an angry one, or a bystander you can never overlook his monotone glare. 

Now let's not forget to take a look on who dared to knock off you're apple stalls and which maniac decided that this problem should be taken so far into court. 

Ah- look at that of course Liam, that was expected he always seemed a bit unusual, not to mention him chasing down people to fight them and isn't this court called because he said he felt unsafe? He probably just jealous he didn't a vision. Things people do because of envy...how unfortunate. Looking to the other side there is three females, one looked confident, one look confused and angry, then there is that one freaking out on the side

Now taking a closer a look, wait- is that Furina? An archon?? AN ARchon???   How did she get into the suspects? Oh isn't that Y/n? Isn't she extremely nice? It's heard she saved many lives because of her job as an psychiatrist and biologist. oh.....



IT'S THE GIRL THAT GAVE ME COFFIN COUPONS! That funeral director from Liyue!! IT was her wasn't it! That girl is painful, she is scary she came up to you're apple stall and tried selling you  a coffin in the middle of the street.  


The bells of the court rings 

This motions that  court begins, everyone is already anticipating the soon to happen events, Charlotte was very excited to see the recent news, she knows very well that this go on the cover front headline of her newspaper, she can already see it printed on the page; The Market stalls accidents.

Liam straighten his out of fashion tie, with a ugly smirk on his face like his face couldn't get any more uglier- 

Furina give him the death stare from across the room, while Hu Tao is using hand gestures to tell him to go jump off a cliff. Y/n however is just praying to herself she doesn't end up in jail with criminals living right next to her. 

.............SKIP TO END OF COURT AND all that, cause I AM LAZYYYY.................

Furina Y/n and Hu Tao is NOT guilty 

That sentence boomed through the court, there were many disappointed sighs but also many sighs of relief. Not many words where exchanged during this everyone just clapped and started packing up to leave to go back to their day. Don't worry the stalls owners will get payed back for what Hu Tao and Childe so no one lost anything except for their time, some may whisper to their neighbor "hey this was useless why did they call court for such small incident??" "I heard it was that dude name Liam" "expected from Liam" "He is a bit ehh different let's say" 

Y/n POV (reaction)

OH THANKS GOSH! THAT SCARED ME, THANKS GOSH he didn't have any proof! BUT WHAT A WAstee of timeee, we just got let go with a mere warning and required for the markets that we knocked over but that's so much less expensive if we had to bail ourself out of jail the mora we'll have to spend is crazy. I can finally breathe properly, that was one of the scariest things that happened to me my whole life. I can't believe how calm Furina was during the whole thing.

Maybe she was used it? BuT I AM NOTt Hu Tao just looked angry giving the Liam person a lot of glares of disgusts to scare him.  

Furina POV (reaction)

B-oringgggg, ughhh that was soo boring, there wasn't a touch of excitement! he just tried throwing random utterly useless insults and accusations that doesn't even make sense, and whenever the accusations actually had a bit of meaning with a bit of common sense he has no proof, this court was almost as ugly as his hairline- he probably has a 17 forehead more like seventeenthead.  NOw take this for example he one of his accusation was that we had a bomb and a knife ready to kill and murder he people on the streets, and the screaming contest were just to cover up the crime. WHAT? SIR A BOMB?? to Kill? I am an archon??? I RULE over this??? WHy whould I try to kill my own people? Isn't that just sabotaging myself? 

Hu Tao POV (reaction)

GEEZ he just got off with does lame accusation without anything? He accused us for nothing and he is just going back to his happy day? THAT'S NOT FAIR! Plus why do we have to pay?! LIKE I ain't poot like ZHongli but WHATTT??!! Are they really about to forget that that stupid ginger was part of this! HE knocked 3 stallls down! We have to pay for himm???? THATS SO UNFaIR. 

I wish I can stab him!! AHHHH he doesn't even deserve a free 50% precent off his coffin! WHEN HE DIE I am making sure his grave is ugly! I will make sure ghost haunt him forever !

Neuvillette POV (reaction)

Court just finished, that was wasted of time, I could've done so much more, some of these people are a bit crazy, at least everyone was safe and there wasn't too much problems. I couldn't help but just glance at where Y/n was standing. She looked so relieved to content, her smile was back on her face which suited her very well, Ahem what am I thinking now. Furina looked bored, very bored, me myself I am just happy that everyone is at least smiling again. Though I should talk to others about changing court rules were to bring a certain problem to court you must have a legal and accurate reason. Since this court was just a bit useless. 

Childe POV 

I escaped from the crime scene thanks gosh, but my point there was actually to get the gnosis but I got carried away heh...- hope none of the harbinger gets mad at me ehe. 

THANK YOU GUYS FOR 300+ readd and votes

Words: 1197

OKAy byeeeeeeeeee I willl post tmr :D 

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