•- Chapter 3 -•

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You wake up, ready for your new day

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You wake up, ready for your new day. It was quite chilly outside so it makes your room feel super cozy.  It was already 9am, you guessed it was because you stayed up late reading last night. You open your curtains to let the morning sunshine into your room. The dress you bought with Furina yesterday was already hanging in your closet. You hanged it up yesterday so you didn't have to do it this morning, honestly you don't even know how you had the energy to hang it up last night.

Your were supposed to meet Furina's friend today, you hope that he is just as nice as Furina. You were wondering what he looked like. Oh well looks don't matter anyways. Deciding to shrugged it off and just go with the flow.

After finishing your morning routine of getting ready, things basic like brushing your teeth or a mourning shower.
You head down stairs to the living room where Furina is reading the recent news published by Charlotte. "Good morning Y/n! I prepared breakfast it's on the table!" She says as she moves her gaze form the television to you. "Thank youu" you reply to her kind gestures.

"We are meeting my friend in 30 min so get ready!! I hope you get to be friends with him too! He really needs more" She continues, "30min?! ONLY?"
"Not my fault you slept in Y/n Not my fault 💅"
After she informs you, her turns back to the newspaper. You finish the breakfast Furina made just consisted some garlic bread and some orange juice. Immediately after you get ready to meet Furina friend hopefully your new friend. She did mention that this friend was a he not to mention if they are friends with an Archon they must be at a high rank at Fontaine and somehow I am best friends with her. You sighed, as you walked back to your room .

Looking through  your closet you just decided to go for your usual outfit whenever you're fighting or just going to work, Chirori actually design this one especially for you. You were grateful how you were surrounded by so many nice people, in the matter of fact the only reason you didn't decide to wear this to the boutique was because it took a bit to put this outfit on, it had a lot of extra layers to protect you and be able to stay on while in combat.

It looks like this:
(If you want to change it you may but again I might add details directly describe this outfit)

It looks like this: (If you want to change it you may but again I might add details directly describe this outfit)

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