•- Chapter 4 -•

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Neuvillette POV (First person as in like he was writing a journal)

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Neuvillette POV (First person as in like he was writing a journal)

<< A beautiful Sunday morning 6am >>

Sunday.. yet another new day, thanks the archons no one has created any trouble yet.  Personally I would say I have a quite nice scheduled during weekends waking up early is something I do daily. Fancy thing is I did forget to journal yesterday. Maybe I don't have an organized schedule- 

 Yesterday Furina has decided to make Y/n, who I recently met, to be my file and personal assistant. 

At my defense I never asked to have an assistant or a helper at all, but Lady Furina decided to word it as in quote "I promised him, that I would find an assistant" 

SHE, Furina insisted that I was needed more sleep and I need an assistant and it was so called necessary for my health, she then says Y/n is trust worthy and is quite smart. I am quite content that Furina cares for me, she has a lot going on with her life too.

Though it was NOT a good first impression, what if Y/n thinks I am a picky person? What if I appealed to her as a unrespectful individual? even worse what if she thinks I am stupid and can't even handle my own job?!

I am not worried about Y/n since Furina did tell she was bright, and I trust her character judgements. so I do have enough trust in this Y/n,  she seemed intelligent not to mention really really pretty,  That doesn't matter but she is really really beautiful- 

I am getting off track now,

 Though is Y/n  was able to get into psychiatry and biology  and have a stable job with a high ranking, I would only imagine how many bachelor  degrees in school she gotten. 

Not a huge problem on that, organizing files doesn't need much brain power just a bit boring, but as long as you know how to read and know simple level knowledge about court it should be fine. That's not why I am a bit anxious, I am anxious since

 I don't particularly enjoy on meeting new people,  mostly individual that has her looks.  Touché,  Touché as they would say never judge a book by the cover I shall not simp over her anymore. 

Then Neuvillette proceeds to cross out the simp part in absolute embarrassment he wrote it.

After finishing my daily walks, chats with melusines and my cup of dark coffee before I know it Y/n was at my office door ready to help out. Just a tiny bit late though.. okay 25 min late. Maybe I should just tell her that the session starts 25 min early so she is right on time. 

 I didn't want to be intimidating but I couldn't help but ask why where you late? She then proceeds to use her response she was merely fashionably late stating it was a so called "trend" and will stay over time if it's needed.  

What an intriguing female.

Second Person POV

First thoughts? Intimidating, to be honest you were very nervous and horrified. Speaking to someone with the looks that fits ever girl's dream is tough enough and you were late just to add on to that weight. 

You were in absolute nervousness, Neuvillette then asks you "Why where you late" out of personal instincts you sarcastically states that it was fashionably late. Maybe not a good move you weren't sure. You sweat dropped as he raised his eyebrow. 

Was that a funny like Oh I get the joke or was it the WTF are you talking about you crazy woman raise AHH I don't knowww, it's definitely the second one!!!I am doomed! HE is going to think my intelligence is a dead zero!! 

 "Is calling you Y/n okay?"

"yes of course Neuvillette it would only be fair if you used my first name, oh did you know that the first thing I thought about you was that you looked like an otter?" 

WHAT AM I SAYINGGG- This is why I get no bi*ches he is going to think I am a lunatic noooooo

He chuckles "Oh really? That sure is interesting,  how come?" 

"Your colour palette  and your I am guessing blue horns or hair matches the details on the one of an otter" you reply. DID HE CHUCKLE IS MY HUMOR NOT BROKENn?

"A fine discovery Y/n, perhaps I do have some similarities with the creature, I am flattered that you think so" He found rather amusing how you where comparing to a sea creature. Though he was a bit confused why she randomly said such statement maybe an ice breaker? Though he seemed to realize maybe he looked a bit scary? He then softens he's gaze a bit. In reality he was truly thankful for Y/n to be so enthusiastic with him.. 

First Person POV

HE SOFTENED HIS GAZE! I thought he was about to stab me I swear in that moment I felt so much relief,  and very handsome . *insert dramatic cough in her mind* What? I didn't think that? .....................................................................

NOOOO I HATE organizing filesss I understand everything it's just so boring! It's quite similar to as if you  had to math questions that you already know OVER and OVER again, or maybe listening to you teacher go on and on about something you already know. 

Anyways it's  B-O-R-I-N-G

Though Neuvillette was nice enough to get me coffee and play music while we work, it was very nerve wreaking I just know it if there wasn't any music we could hear each other breathing. We where working in absolute DEAD silence. Hard enough to even be in the same room as him already but in silence? 

That's a new level, being in the same room as a extremely attractive person is no easy job, though he did very much overachieve my expectations, if I were completely truthful I would say he look very scary at first. I admit he was absolutely gorgeous but the way he looks at you looks like he is trying to kill you with his mere gaze.

After what seemed to be 5 hours which in the matter of fact was 5 hours, I was finally finished of the filesss, I do wonder how is he even able to manage all of these on a daily basis? Does he have to work 10 hours everyday or am I just slow.  Why do I feel like I am just slow  ;-;. 

I am just slow ain't I- 

AN: Hope you liked the chapter I am trying to update every day or every few days. :D

Word count: 1112

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