Chapter 1: The man who died.

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"Settle down Leon..." A voice that belonged to a young man by the name of Kashawn Whitney. He sat up in bed and looked at the time on his phone. "Three thirty... Time to get ready for work. Yay." A sarcastic tone left his mouth while leaving the comfort of his bed and greeting his Pitbull Leon who enjoyed the head pats from his owner. Kashawn pulled out a green shirt and jeans, grabbed some underclothes and went into the bathroom to take a shower.

As the water poured down on Kashawn's hair and body, thoughts of his current situation lingered in his mind. Thoughts of his goals slipping away due to his financial inability to achieve his goal of becoming a wrestler. As he scrubbed shampoo in his hair, Kashawn had many thoughts flow through his mind. He works as a cashier at Dollar Tree, a place that hasn't been paying him anywhere near enough to make ends meet or for him to reach his goals. Not to mention the fact that he was very short and scrawny. The young man was a mere five feet four inches tall and barely one hundred and ten pounds. Kashawn exited the shower with a depressed sigh, he got dressed and finished getting ready for work.

 Kashawn exited the shower with a depressed sigh, he got dressed and finished getting ready for work

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As he locked up his dog in the Penn and waited on the porch for his grandmother to pick him up. Kashawn sat on the porch and pulled out a book that he'd read several times throughout his childhood. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Kashawn was a massive fan of the magical series that J.K Rowling created. The boy fell in love with the characters and the world of Harry Potter. It became one of many escapes from reality for Kashawn who needed an escape from reality at the moment. His life had become the same boring task of getting up and going to work with three days off a week. It began to bore him and wear on his mind mentally, as Kashawn read through the pages of the first book in the Harry Potter series, a small smile crossed his face as he thought of what life would be like for him in the Harry Potter world. Learning magic, going to Hogwarts, the magical school that everyone who were fans of the series would love to go to.

Kashawn smiled imagining the sorting hat putting him in Ravenclaw. The house of creativity and intelligence, which while the brains weren't something he was known for... the creativity was something he had endless amounts of. He loved thinking and fantasizing about lots of things, especially when it came to the Harry Potter story. Like saving those who died in the battle at Hogwarts, maybe changing some of the things he didn't agree with. Kashawn let his thoughts consume him as he let his mind travel to the world of Harry Potter. He imagined many things that eased his worries as he thought of the world that he'd dreamt of many times as a child.

Kashawn thought about the things he'd do in the story. Kashawn always imagined himself as a silent protector of the main characters. Kashawn thought about all sorts of different things he'd be capable of with magic at his fingertips. As he sat on the porch reading, more pleasant thoughts entered his mind of him and his fantasy crush Ginny Weasley getting together, it was a simple thought that he adored. But soon, Kashawn was pulled from his thoughts by reality. A reality that was very much boring to him.

He's a grown adult with adult responsibilities. Which he was reminded of as he got a phone call from his grandmother. "Hello?" Kashawn said with the phone against his ear. "Yeah, Kashawn... I'm running late, can you go ahead and start walking down the road so I can meet you?" His grandmother asked him while driving. "Sure... I can start walking now." Kashawn replied while getting up and walking off the porch. As Kashawn walked down the road reading his book, he stopped at the crosswalk waiting for the cars to pass by. Kashawn read the book while waiting, he didn't have to wait long as the cars stopped, and the crosswalk light had the green sign for him to go. Walking across the street, Kashawn put his book in his bag and continued his trek until he turned to his left.

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