Chapter 8: One Strange Turn of Events

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"Kashawn...what were you doing near that three headed dog?" Hermione asked Kashawn who was eating breakfast. "Just... exploring my surroundings, what about you?" Kashawn asked the girl who sat next to him and whispered. "I was trying to stop Harry and Ron from doing something stupid, those two are going to cost Gryffindor so many points!" Hermione said and Kashawn smirked. "Good for me... we can win now." The young Ravenclaw said, making Hermione frown at him. Kashawn then placed a gentle hand on the girl's shoulder. "Why're you so concerned with what others are doing? Just keep to yourself and let them do them... they aren't harming you." Kashawn explained.

"Yes, they are, they're in my house... someone has to keep an eye on them!" Hermione retorted and Kashawn shook his head. "Yes, like Ron's older brother... the prefect... Percy." Kashawn replied, finishing his breakfast. "So, any ideas about the trapdoor or you have no interest in such a thing?" Kashawn asked and Hermione crossed her arms. "Absolutely not! We aren't supposed to be there at all!" Hermione said and Kashawn laughed. "You're right... sorry about that." Kashawn said, hoping to appease the girl.

A week had passed, and Kashawn noticed Harry getting his nimbus two-thousand broomstick. Remembering what happened in the books, Kashawn quickly looked over at Hermione who was after Ron and Harry who were looking to put the broom away. Following the three, Kashawn caught up to Hermione and grabbed her by the shoulder. "Don't..." Kashawn whispered, and Hermione looked at him angrily. "They shouldn't be rewarded for breaking the rules!" Hermione pointed out. "That's not for you to decide... It's for our professors. Don't poke your nose where it doesn't belong." Kashawn tried to explain only to be waived off by Hermione.

Hermione left and Kashawn sighed deeply. The young Ravenclaw had now been reminded why he wasn't a fan of Hermione at all.

With Kashawn being at Hogwarts for two months, the magic of the castle was slowly beginning to wear off with each and every passing day. It was beginning to feel more and more like a regular school which wasn't a great feeling. But to top things off, he was preparing like hell for the future that consisted of Voldemort's rise of power. But at least Kashawn had the glee of the twins and Lee Jordan to keep his days from becoming too boring. The four had a blast blowing up a toilet with Kashawn's potion and the young boy was pleased to see it worked perfectly. As for the toilet seat, the group each signed their names and Kashawn shrunk it to the size of a quarter.

"I hope Ginny enjoys this gift." George whispered as the four of them rushed out of the bathroom using the crowd of screaming students for cover. "She'll enjoy it! Also, Kashawn my greatest compliments for actually blowing up a toilet!" Fred added and Jordan agreed. "Well, I wanted to test my potion and I remembered the toilet plan!" Kashawn said smiling. Once the four were safe, Kashawn gave the twins back their map and bid them farewell.

With classes over and it being Halloween, Kashawn felt as though he was forgetting something. As he entered the great hall for the big feast, Kashawn was greeted by the most gorgeous display of candy and deserts. Kashawn's eyes had widened upon seeing them and he immediately took a seat and dug into the treats in front of him. It was a peaceful bliss, but for some reason, Kashawn couldn't remember what he was forgetting about. He swore he was forgetting something, but what was it?

"TROLL... TROLL IN THE DUNGEONS!" Quirrell came into the great hall screaming and Kashawn immediately remembered what he was forgetting. "Oh... that's what I was forgetting... how'd I even forget that?" Kashawn asked as Quirrell slumped to the floor. Immediately panic ensued, but Dumbledore being as levelheaded as he is, just shot out a few purple firecrackers from his wand.

"Prefects, please lead the students back to their common rooms. The staff shall join me in the dungeons." He said in his signature soft tone. Immediately, the prefects jumped into action. Each of them led their house members to their common rooms, but Kashawn had other plans. Using his amulet, he vanished and broke away from his group. Kashawn went to the bathroom where he knew Hermione would be in. Once he was there, he waited for Harry and Ron to show up.

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