Chapter 7: Start of the Anomalies

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 Kashawn had refused to do anything out of line after Snape's questions. Snape can and will be nasty towards him and Kashawn knows this very well. The eleven-year-old kept himself busy by taking notes and practicing his spell casting. This was a continuous loop, though Kashawn did notice that Flitwick, his head of house kept a strangely close eye on him. Always stopping by and asking him questions. Kashawn always just kept to himself and studied diligently. In fact, Kashawn spent massive amounts in the library with him studying all kinds of offensive spells and potions.

Many other students and some staff were concerned with Kashawn's excessive studying and lack of social interaction. Most of the other students were put off by the Ravenclaw student's studious attitude. Eventually, Kashawn was enjoying breakfast and a quick read through his ever-expanding spell book. Soon, Kashawn noticed the three prominent horns of his family owl landing in front of him holding a box. "Hello there, little owl. What do ya got for me?" Kashawn asked the owl who nudged the box with a letter taped to it. Opening the letter, Kashawn noticed it was from his father.

Dear Kashawn,

Hello son! I wanted to give this to you sooner, but I couldn't due to some complications with its charms. You see, this amulet is a specially charmed amulet that will keep you protected, and it has an invisibility charm on it to help you vanish and it's immune to Revelio charms. I figured this'll help keep you safe. Also, this was your mother's idea. She heard some rumors about your headmaster and now she wanted to make sure you were safe, and you could hide if needed. Also, I personally am hoping that you're making a lot of friends. I know you weren't very communicative even towards your family members. I'm hoping you're breaking out of that shell of yours and showing off that big brain of yours. Good luck son, I love you and have a great time! See you.

Love, Dad

A soft smile crossed Kashawn's face as he opened the package and looked at the wonderfully crafted amulet

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A soft smile crossed Kashawn's face as he opened the package and looked at the wonderfully crafted amulet. A thought crossed his mind as he reread the letter, seeing that this amulet could make him vanish and protect him. It was strange, as though a higher power was compelling those around him to help him succeed. Kashawn put on the golden chain and looked at it in his hands, its beautiful glimmer was very eye-catching and yet unbelievably beautiful. Once he put it on, Kashawn immediately realized that this amulet was filled with magic that could be very subtly felt. A soft hum filled Kashawn's ears as he silently ate his food. Just then, the twins Fred and George appeared. "Oh, what a beautiful amulet..." George said, scooching closely to Kashawn's side. "Kashawn, we got something to give to ya... something we think will help you out greatly. You see, we've studied this place thoroughly in our time here." Fred explained and Kashawn immediately began to panic slightly knowing what might potentially be happening. "Now, we'll let you have it for a bit. It's the secret to our success, it's shown us all the secret passageways of the school and the nearby village along with the forbidden forest." George said while Fred pulled out the one thing Kashawn didn't want to see.

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