Chapter 13: The Descent into the Trapdoor

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"Yo... what the hell?!" Kashawn said massaging his sore and stiff hand. "So much writing and spell casting... my arm..." He added after leaving his final exam room, not much changed in the timeline that needed Kashawn's attention, so he just laid low and did his exams. Joining Fred, George and Lee Jordan at the black lake. "Kashawn! How were the exams?" George asked and Kashawn popped his knuckles. "Easy... but long... and my wand hand is sore like no other..." Kashawn admitted as he sat under a tree.

"Well, at least it's over." George said and Kashawn then formed an idea as he watched Ron, Hermione and Harry arrive. With the exams over and the trapdoor adventure edging upon them. Kashawn just waited patiently for Harry to finally put everything together. Soon, Harry hopped up to his feet and began walking to Hagrid's. Kashawn, Ron and Hermione followed. "Why didn't I see it before? It's odd, weird even." Harry said as the other three followed close behind.

"Don't you guys think it's odd that the one thing Hagrid wanted all his life, a dragon... then he happens to come across a stranger with a dragon egg? That's weird!" Harry said while Hermione and Ron processed the information. Kashawn however, kept a blank stare with silent excitement over the situation. As the four walked over to Hagrid's, Kashawn nodded realizing that this was it, he'd be helping the others get to the trapdoor and potentially face the dark lord.

Kashawn said nothing and watched the entire conversation with Hagrid unfolded. "Hagrid, what did that stranger that gave you egg look like?" Harry asked in a panic after a brief exchange of pleasantries. Kashawn listened to the entire conversation as Hagrid panicked upon telling them about Fluffy's weakness to music. Kashawn ran off with the others and followed them close behind. Harry stopped and quickly told McGonagall all about the Sorcerer's stone, explaining how they believe someone (Snape) is going to steal it. Kashawn was just in the background listening and watching as McGonagall was almost pale with horror. Unable to see how a group of children could figure out such a thing. Predictably, she scolded them, saying the stone was perfectly safe. After doing so, she gathered her books and walked away from them, telling them to go outside and stay away from the corridor.

"Now what would you four young children be doing inside on a day like this?" Snape asked, appearing behind them. They said nothing as he walked away with a nasty smirk. Kashawn then looked at the others. "Let's avoid the trapdoor until tonight..." Kashawn said quickly, they all looked at him and he continued. "We're going down there... tonight. We need to get past the enchantments and protect that stone." Kashawn said quietly. "Why don't we have someone tail Snape?" Ron suggested and Kashawn shook his head. "No point. He's a grown wizard, we can't beat him in a straight up duel or even slow him down. Our only chance is to go down there tonight... and since McGonagall is onto us... we're gonna need to be stealthy about it... see you guys down there." Kashawn said walking away.

Kashawn spent his day with the twins and Lee Jordan until it was time for him to stay in the common room. Which he did until he felt it was time to go, gathering his magical bag and amulet, Kashawn snuck his way out of the common room and sneakily made his way to the third-floor corridor. He saw Quirrell on his way inside but said and did nothing. He listened to the harp play as the loud thud of Fluffy hitting the ground asleep filled his ears. Soon, the golden trio arrived, and Kashawn noticed them as he saw the door open more. He quickly walked in behind them.

"Snape's already been here..." Harry began as Fluffy began waking up. Kashawn quickly pulled out his guitar and began playing it, causing the others to look at him as he reappeared. "Hey..." Kashawn whispered, making them smile. Fluffy went to sleep as the trio moved the massive paw. "Thanks Kashawn." Harry whispered. "No problem... now let's go..." He said as he played the guitar. Ron quickly opened the trap door and looked inside. "It's pitch black down there..." He said looking into the hole. "I'll go down first." Harry said, looking into the hole. "If anything happens, go to the owlery and send a message to Dumbledore." Harry said as he prepared himself to jump. Once he did, he quickly let the others know it was safe. Ron was next, then Hermione, Kashawn however, kept playing the guitar as he slowly worked his way into the trapdoor.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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