Chapter 11: Preparing for the end.

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 Dumbledore's words were still fresh in Kashawn's mind as he spent the rest of Christmas break in his common room. With nobody else bothering him, Kashawn stayed in his room brewing more potions for the future. With the smell of the cauldron filling his nostrils and helping him cloud his mind and shrouding away his thoughts. Brewing all sorts of exploding potions and other sorts of potions that summoned vines and other strange effects. He also spent his time figuring out how to make a magical saddle for Kushala and Astalos who grew up quite a bit from last time.

He also spent some time with the two animals trying to learn and discover their abilities. He used his magic to make things, brew potions and study. Eventually, the break ended, and Kashawn had to move his potion brewing elsewhere. He moved to the empty classroom where he found the mirror, only it was gone. Kashawn knew it would be, but he couldn't help but be disappointed. The room became a small headquarters for Kashawn who stored books and other things. Kashawn was studying all sorts of things. Studying spells and other potions that he'll need to learn.

As for the golden trio, now they knew who Nicholas Flamel is, things were a lot quieter than they normally would. Thanks to Kashawn they were ahead of schedule. But things weren't looking good for Harry as Snape was gonna referee his next Quidditch game. But there was something bothering Ron, and it was all about Kashawn. Ron was very intrigued by Kashawn's... knowledge. "H-Harry... I... have a question." Ron began and Harry who was dreading the upcoming Quidditch match just looked at his friend. "Do you think Kashawn is a bit... off?" Ron asked.

"What do you mean by that?" Hermione said, butting into the conversation. "Look, all I'm saying is that Kashawn is a lot stranger than he lets on." Ron confessed. "But Kashawn has been helpful to us... and he doesn't seem a little strange... he just seems like a loner." Harry explained. But Ron just grunted. "I'm serious... I met him over the summer, and he was really weird... My brothers Fred and George seem to like him but... he's a bit... off to me." Ron explained. "He claimed he was in the corridor because of the dog. He knew it was there... then there's the fact that over the summer he was weirding out my sister." Ron added.

"Kashawn is fine, Ron. He was probably just a bit awkward. We just need to worry about Harry's match against Hufflepuff. Kashawn is on our side. We need to worry about Snape!" Hermione scolded and Ron nodded, letting it go.

Kashawn meanwhile, was still keeping to himself from within the abandoned classroom. Everything was peaceful for him, but from the depths of his mind he felt himself being overwhelmingly sad and depressed over everything. The boy never felt so alone nor so empty. Kashawn had been battling depression and anxiety for years. But it has never been this badly, he'd never felt like this before. Typically, Kashawn would have family or his friends to distract him. Or work... however even with the allure of magic, he still wasn't distracting himself properly.

Over the next few days, Kashawn tried many different things to keep his mind distracted, even trying to explore the forbidden forest again while riding around Kushala. The metal winged beast was enjoying spreading his wings in his former home again and Kashawn was enjoying some fresh air and looking for more animals to collect and tame. Which included a Hippogriff, Kneazle, and a sleeping Mooncalf. With each of these animals tamed and in his magical bag, Kashawn was ready to go back to the castle only to see Snape and Quirrell talking.

"Ah, this conversation, which means Harry is..." Kashawn trailed off as he saw Harry on his broomstick landing on a branch nearby. Kashawn flew alongside Harry who caught his eyes, immediately Kashawn shushed Harry and returned Kushala to the bag. Harry looked at Kashawn in silent shock only for Kashawn to point down to the two adults talking.

"We need to listen now..." Kashawn whispered and even though Harry was listening to Snape threaten Quirrell, he was more intrigued by Kashawn being in the exact place. Harry began thinking about what Ron said. Kashawn appeared during the troll incident, then the fact that he knew Nicholas Flamel, also the three head dog incident. Now this? Something about Kashawn didn't feel right. But listening to Snape threaten Quirrell was at the forefront of Harry's mind.

Eventually the two watched Quirrell and Snape leaving the forest and Kashawn looked at Harry. "Sorry about that..." Kashawn whispered. "Seems like Snape is after something..." Kashawn said, hoping that Harry was catching on. But instead, he looked over at Harry and was met by a suspicious stare. "What?" Kashawn asked but Harry just shrugged. "Nothing... Snape is trying to steal the stone..." Harry explained, and Kashawn's eyes narrowed. "Ah, should've guessed... I'm on your side. You need any help, I'm here to help... okay?" Kashawn told him. Harry looked at Kashawn's brown eyes only to nod happily.

"Good to know..." Harry said, extending his hand for Kashawn who took it. "Friends?" Kashawn asked. "Friends." Harry replied quickly. "But now we'll need to figure out our next move." Harry added. "Well, go let the others know. I'll prepare some stuff we'll need." Kashawn said with a whisper.

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