Chapter Five: The sorting Hat and Ceremony!

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 Kashawn was greeted by the doors swinging open and a tall woman in emerald, green robes with black hair stood there with a stern-looking face. "So that's Professor McGonagall." Kashawn whispered to himself. "The firs' years, Professor McGonagall." Hagrid said, gesturing to the students. "Thank you, Hagrid, I'll take them from here." The woman said, pulling open the doors wide. Kashawn was greeted by the massive entrance hall that was so big a man could build an entire house inside of it. The stone walls were illuminated by flaming torches on the walls. The ceiling was far too high for Kashawn to see. Then Kashawn's eyes sparkled upon seeing a magnificent marble staircase that led to the upper floors.

They all followed McGonagall across the stone floors to a doorway that was muffling the sounds of easily hundreds of students, Kashawn felt his insides churn once the realization hit him. He was headed into the great hall. But of course, he along with the other first years were led into a chamber off the hall. Crowding inside, everyone was quite a bit closer than they'd be otherwise. McGonagall took her place in front of them all while clearing her throat.

"Welcome to Hogwarts, the start-of-term Banquet will begin shortly. Before you all enter the great hall, you'll be sorted into your houses. Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Slytherin and Gryffindor... while you're all here your house will be like your home and your housemates will be like your family. Each house has produced many noble witches and wizards. While you're here, your triumphs will earn you house points. That will contribute to you winning the house cup. But any rule breaking will result in you losing house points. At the end of the year the house with the most points wins the house cup. I hope that you all will become a great asset to your houses." McGonagall told them.

"The sorting ceremony will be taking place in front of the whole school. I suggest you all smarten yourselves up while you're waiting." She said making Ron rub the dirt off his nose and Harry to desperately flatten his hair. As for Kashawn, he just adjusted his bag to hide it under his robes. "I'll be back for you in a moment." McGonagall left them and everyone began to nervously murmur. Kashawn sat back and watched the chaos silently unfold as everyone began to panic at what they'll be doing to be sorted. Kashawn just kept a calm head as he began to think about his own placement. Kashawn growing up in his previous life was a Gryffindor growing up, then he was a Slytherin in his teen years. But in his adult years, he's a Ravenclawn.

Kashawn's thoughts were cut off by screaming as he looked around to see the Hogwarts ghosts talking about Peeves the Poltergeist. Nearly all twenty of them, even the Gray Lady, were there. Kashawn saw the woman who was the most silent of them all and silently waved at her when she briefly made eye contact with him. Kashawn smiled at the sight of all the ghosts flying overhead. "Move along now, the sorting Ceremony is starting." McGonagall had returned much to everyone's surprise while the ghosts flew through the opposite wall. "Everyone, form a single file line." The woman told them, and Kashawn immediately found his way towards the back of the line. He couldn't see much but it didn't matter to him. Kashawn was dawned in his robes and eager to finally see the Great Hall.

He didn't have to wait long as McGonagall opened the double doors in front of them leading them out of the chamber and into the glorious great hall that was filled with thousands of floating candles and the four extremely long tables. The great hall, much like everything else, was much better than he'd imagined. It was glorious and the bewitched ceiling made it all better with the beautiful night sky above them. Kashawn looked at the golden plates and goblets that were glittering with gold and they were glorious and very much eye-pleasing. But Kashawn couldn't help but notice the huge number of eyes staring at him and the other first years. It then dawned on him that he probably stands out more than he intended with his extremely long hair. But soon, they all stopped at the front, and they saw a four-legged stool with McGonagall placing the sorting hat on it.

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