Chapter 12: Talking to Ron

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 To say Kashawn was grateful for the teachers' extra work for exam preparation would be an understatement. The young boy finally had something meaningful to distract his mind with. Meanwhile Ron and Harry were concerned with making sure Quirrell was holding firm with Snape's questioning. Though that wasn't the only thing they were concerned with, Hermione had dragged them into the library to study with Kashawn. "I hate this!" Ron said angrily and Kashawn chuckled. "I'm happy with this... mostly because it helps take my mind off things." Kashawn confessed.

"So, you understand this stuff?" Ron asked and Kashawn nodded. "I've been learning about all forms of magic my whole life... this basic stuff is easy for me as I've practiced these things." Kashawn told them as he took his notes with Hermione helping closely. Meanwhile, Ron and Harry were doing their homework. Things were peaceful for a while until Ron noticed Hagrid coming into the library. The golden trio then went to see Hagrid, who Kashawn assumed he had the dragon egg already. The boy didn't need to join them, he elected to take his leave and work on other things. "The trapdoor adventure is rapidly approaching. Time to focus on making this go as smoothly as possible." Kashawn whispered as he wandered off to the abandoned classroom where Kashawn had many fire-breathing potions for the devil's-snare plants, then he practiced some soft tunes with his guitar for Fluffy, and he practiced a few spells for the flying keys. As for the other obstacles, Kashawn had no answer for them... Well, he did have the potion answer but not the chess set. So, Ron was the only way for Kashawn to get past. He'd have to join the others in the trapdoor.

With Kashawn's preparation now finished, Kashawn decided it was better to use his time to study instead of joining the others with the dragon incident. Kashawn didn't want to risk getting detention or revealing himself to Voldemort. He kept a low profile and focused on studying the first-year curriculum. Though Kashawn kept tabs on the golden trio. When Ron got bit on the hand by the dragon, Kashawn did visit frequently... However, upon visiting Ron, Weasley took this opportunity to talk with Kashawn. "So, thanks for all the help this year..." Ron began, and Kashawn nodded.

"It's no issue. I was just helping out where I could." Kashawn replied while sitting on the chair next to Ron's bed. "Well, I'm grateful. But Kashawn... about my sister..." Ron began, and Kashawn sighed immediately. "I don't mean to pry... but you... you're worrying me..." Ron told Kashawn who said nothing in return. He just kept listening to Ron and his worries. "Look, I love my family... and I don't want anything bad to happen to them. If you do something to hurt my family..." Ron said and Kashawn looked down. Hearing Ron's words reminded Kashawn of how much respect he had for Ron's character. Ron was a sweet and kind soul who just wanted to prove himself and keep those he loved safe.

"Ron... I promise you... if I can help it, I won't ever hurt your family..." Kashawn told Ron while making eye contact. "O-okay... I'm trusting you..." Ron replied, and Kashawn nodded. "I hope that trust never wavers." Kashawn smiled, finally seeing himself and Ron being friends. "But seriously... What was your deal with my sister?" Ron asked, causing Kashawn to go a tad flustered. "U-Uh... wow... um..." Kashawn was unsure about how to answer that. He couldn't say the real reason why Ginny caught his eye. But thinking about it, Kashawn remembered when he first read the books. At first, he thought Ginny was a glorified Harry fangirl... but as he kept reading, and going through the books, Ginny's character development and her badass moments really caught his eyes.

Kashawn began fantasizing about Ginny Weasley soon after. The sixth book really made Kashawn a fan of the girl and how cool she really was. But back then, she was just a fantasy. A character in the story that Kashawn never thought he had a snowball's chance in hell with. Kashawn would always joke that the only way Ginny Weasley could be with him would be if he somehow got sent to Harry's world and used a love potion on her.

Kashawn smiled looking back on those memories. Him drawing pictures of Ginny, writing stories about the girl... Kashawn was a huge fanboy back then. But now... he's no longer a fanboy... he's a part of the story. He... in theory he can... but... that's not why he was sent here. "Kashawn? You, okay?" Ron asked, breaking Kashawn away from his thoughts. "Hm? Yeah... I'm fine... just thinking about how to answer the question." Said Kashawn whilst leaning back in the chair. "So... what's your answer? What's your deal with her?" Ron asked and Kashawn sighed.

Much like Harry in the sixth book, Kashawn falling for Ginny's character wasn't a sudden thing... the feelings crept up on him unexpectedly. A smile crossed Kashawn's face as he looked at Ron ready to give him an answer. "When I saw Ginny for the first time... she was the most beautiful person I'd ever seen. She looks like a beautiful rose that had yet to bloom and was riddled with thorns. When I saw... I didn't know how to properly introduce myself... I never talked to people growing up... and I didn't have many friends... I guess that's the reason I can come off as creepy to others because I just don't fully understand most things." Kashawn confessed.

"You never had any friends growing up?" Ron asked and Kashawn thought back to both of his childhoods. In his first childhood most of his friends were only ever in school and hardly anyone would ever come visit. He almost never had anyone his age to hang out with outside of school. Kashawn didn't know much about socializing with people, and it made it hard for him to make friends or develop any kind of relationship. It also didn't help that Kashawn was spoiled rotten and entitled in his first childhood. Which caused Kashawn to be manipulative and rude to people. It took Kashawn twenty-one years to finally start growing up properly. It's just a shame he died right after...

Then in his second childhood, Kashawn just stayed inside. Reading all day and night, learning how to brew potions, cast spells and the ins and outs of the American wizarding world. Then Kashawn moved to Diagon Alley and had to spend his time reading more. "No... it was all reading and learning." Kashawn said, finally explaining himself to Ron. "W-wow... I'm sorry to hear that." Ron said and Kashawn shook his head. "It's cool, at least I know how to do a bunch of things." Kashawn explained. "But my family wasn't exactly the most attentive, they were a bunch of blood purists... thankfully my parents weren't like that... but, they still have a bit of a superiority complex over others." Kashawn added quickly.

"So... you're just really awkward because of isolation?" Ron asked and Kashawn nodded which made the redheaded boy mentally scold himself. "And here I was thinking that you were some creepy future telling seer or something." Ron joked, making the two boys laugh. But Kashawn was laughing for different reasons. The two continued talking until Madam Pomfrey kicked him out. As Kashawn was leaving, Ron watched Kashawn with a warm smile.

As for Kashawn, he kept his head down and his eyes focused on his classes. Which netted him a bunch of points for Ravenclaw. In fact, after Neville, Hermione, Harry and Malfoy's detention, Ravenclaw took the lead in points which made Kashawn smile a little bit. He figured if he couldn't change the overall events of the timeline, but he could change the little things. Seeing Ravenclaw's small lead made Kashawn smile warmly. But as he sat in the common room, Kashawn looked out of the window that showed him the forbidden forest.

"Time is almost up, Harry's meeting with Voldemort is tonight." Kashawn whispered looking at the woods.

" Kashawn whispered looking at the woods

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