Chapter 9: One pained Observer

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 Kashawn watched as the weather significantly cooled with the mountains gaining snow, and the windows and broomsticks needing to be defrosted by Hagrid who was all geared up in warm clothes from head to toe. Meanwhile Harry was worried about his first up and coming Quidditch match, speaking of Harry he was happy to have Kashawn and Hermione as friends because with all the practices that he was going through and the classes, Harry needed the help. As for Ron, he was just grateful to have a better Potions teacher than Snape in his opinion and he was grateful for Kashawn's advice on changing around words for essays like going from don't to do not to take up more space.

But Kashawn wasn't just helping them, he was spending his time with the twins and Lee Jordan causing all sorts of mayhem. Kashawn found himself smiling devilishly at the chaos he'd cause with nobody being able to prove it was him. The boy unleashed his own brand of chaos with the twins and even Peeves the trouble making poltergeist looking in awe, wishing they were as creative.

Kashawn caused books to fly and have the words written in them to fall out of the books and slither around like snakes in the library. Then, during Slytherin's quidditch practice, Kashawn sabotaged one of the bludgers to completely avoid everyone making it hard to practice. He also was on a mission to drive Snape mad as Kashawn would sneakily shift around his ingredients just to mess with the petty professor. Snape knew someone was moving his things around but for the life of him he didn't know who it could be.

Fred and George were constantly supporting Kashawn in his chaotic pranks. But the thing is, Kashawn's pranks weren't destructive, they were easy to fix and not absolutely destructive... Well, most aren't. But there was the toilet so that was pretty destructive, and the teachers are trying like hell to prove it was the twins. As for his Prefect, Penelope Clearwater. She found Kashawn to be quite the ideal Ravenclaw. He helped his housemates with their homework and other classwork. Though he quickly developed a secondary potion tutoring class where a bunch of first years from each house with the exception of Slytherin attending. Kashawn had to host these tutoring sessions in one of the empty classrooms that he commandeered, with permission from Flitwick.

Kashawn was living the good life in Hogwarts, tutoring, pranking and learning. But yet, he was still bothered by the life he lost through death. It still bothered him when he slept and when he was alone. Kashawn missed his family more than anything, and no amount of laughter and studying would change that.

With Harry focused on Quidditch, Kashawn elected to wait for the events of the quidditch game to play out without him interfering. But he would keep a close eye on the game if something went wrong. The boy spent the day of the game listening to the happy chatters of his fellow students who were eager to see a game of quidditch. But Kashawn couldn't care less about the sport. Well, he was interested in it, but it wasn't on his list of things to do. Being a Quidditch star was a nice thing, but he was concerned that it would cause a rift between himself and his friends in Gryffindor.

Kashawn found himself squished between his fellow Ravenclaws as the entire school was in the stands excitedly looking at the Quidditch game. Whereas Kashawn was reading a spell book wrapped up in his scarf and gloves with the cold bothering him ever so slightly. A few people looked at him slightly amused by his commitment to studying but others were confused and taken aback by his bookworm personality even taking over in the fun atmosphere of a quidditch game.

But that's what Kashawn did, he paid no attention to the Quidditch game, he just sat back and observed the game briefly only to go back to reading. The only time he consistently looked up to watch the game was when Harry's broom malfunctioned, and Hermione lit Snape's cloak on fire and her bumping into Quirrell. Kashawn knew Quirrell was the culprit, but he knew he couldn't let that information leak out. Once the game was over Kashawn just left the stands, Harry and the Gryffindors were celebrating while Slytherin were complaining that Harry didn't actually catch the snitch.

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