Chapter 3: A Wonderful Weasley Welcome

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 February ended and March arrived, Kashawn was in absolute magical heaven with Diagon Alley fueling his every desire to learn as much as he could. Not only did he receive a letter from Hogwarts with all of his books surrounding him and his robes freshly picked out. It was a wonderful time, meanwhile the family potion shop was attracting all kinds of attention. People far and wide came to the shop, much to the glee of Kashawn's parents. But Kashawn wasn't interested in the shop. He already knew all he could ever dream of with potions.

Kashawn constantly explored the streets of Diagon Alley, giving all of the book stores great business. Each of the shop owners were very happy when seeing the boy because he almost always left with a wagon full of books which he almost always read within the span of a few nights. Kashawn hadn't shown much attention to anything other than his books and his potion crafting. His parents' concern was growing by the day, but soon they each gained a reason to smile as on the first of March, Kashawn's attention was normally occupied by books and piano lessons that he elected to take just for the extra skill, but his eyes trailed away from the keys of his piano and they were taken by the seven redheads that entered the potion shop.

Kashawn immediately knew who he was looking at as a smile crossed his face. The Weasley family were in his family shop. Kashawn carefully observed them, noting the differences of each Weasley to their movie counterparts. Ron was almost as tall as his two older twin brothers Fred and George. Percy wore glasses, something that he didn't wear in the movies. Arthur Weasley was thin and balding. But Molly looked relatively similar. However... The one that Kashawn couldn't keep his eyes off was the girl who he had a crush on since he started reading the books.

Ginny Weasley was all Kashawn could see, she was all he wanted to see. The boy felt a blush creep up on his cheeks as he watched the girl from afar. Kashawn's mind for the first time he'd been here was racing at a pace he hadn't felt before. Ginny was far more beautiful than he'd ever imagined. Her original actress that portrayed her, Bonnie Wright, was absolutely stunning, but compared to the person in front of him, she stood no chance. Ginny, the real Ginny, was the most beautiful person Kashawn had ever laid eyes on. Well, from an eleven year old Kashawn's perspective. But the older Kashawn felt himself grow very uncomfortable as he remembered that he was technically a thirty plus year old man mentally. As Kashawn was growing more and more uncomfortable...

"I don't think I've ever seen you look at someone like that, son." Kashawn's father said, making him jump in surprise. The boy sputtered slightly while looking back at Ginny and then his father. The man chuckled and walked over to Molly and Arthur. Kashawn watched as his father approached the two and started a conversation. "Hello, I'm Kasheen Whitney... welcome to the potion shop... how may I help you?" His father asked while Kashawn silently prayed his father wasn't doing what he was thinking he was about to do and Molly smiled warmly. "We're just looking, thank you." Molly replied while Arthur nodded. But his father wasn't done yet. "Well, I like to get to know people that show up here and also take some time to get to know them. Hope you don't mind." Kasheen said and Arthur finally spoke up. "Well, why don't we have a drink?" Arthur proposed and Kasheen shook his head. "Please... stay for dinner. I notice that you have kids... I have a son myself... he could use the company and my wife would love it if we had more mouths to feed." Kasheen offered and the two took a moment. "We don't wanna intrude, but thanks anyway." Arthur began but Kasheen waved them off.

"I insist, we'd love to get to know a family around here. Moving across the pond has left my family without much interaction. Please, join us..." Kasheen offered and the two finally relented. "Oh, alright... we'll join you for dinner. So long as you join us at some point..." Molly said, and Kasheen agreed. "You have a deal... my apologies, what're your names?"

"Molly and Arthur Weasley." Arthur piped up and the two men shook hands. Kashawn, meanwhile, couldn't take his eyes off Ginny who began to grow wary of him. But she wasn't the only one. "Oi, what're you doing making goo goo eyes at my sister?" A voice called out behind him, and Kashawn turned to see Ron Weasley behind him. "U-uh... s-sorry." Kashawn replied, looking down. "What's with your accent? Where are ya from?" Ron asked and Kashawn gulped while carefully choosing his words. "U-uh... Kashawn Whitney is my name... I-I'm from America. I moved here with my family." Kashawn replied not looking at Ron's eyes.

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