Chapter 2: Into the fold

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Almost eleven years had passed for Kashawn Whitney whose childhood was far different than previously. He knew for a fact he was in the Harry Potter world from the first moment he was born when realized that he was reborn into a pureblood magical family from America. Something immediately made his new Childhood a lot more fun than before as Kashawn messed around with his new abilities. Thanks to his mind still being mentally mature, Kashawn was looked at as a prodigy among his family members.

He was walking earlier than most kids, talking quicker and showing excellent levels of maturity... at times. He had his moments, for one when he was five years old in the new timeline, he sent a barrage of bubbles at his walls from his fingertips. Though it seemed innocent at first, it was anything but when the bubbles began exploding violently and Kashawn had to explain what happened. Of course, there were times when he'd do accidental magic like when he burped up a flower when he was only a year old, then he once jumped so high into the air that he almost hit a bird.

Kashawn enjoyed his new life with two loving parents who were both happily married. Something that in his old life was thought to be insane. His old parents despised one another, and they weren't married, and his father didn't want anything to do with him for most of his life. In fact, it took Kashawn's older half-brother dying for him to finally meet his father and even then, he still abandoned Kashawn. But now... this version of his father was a great man... a kindhearted individual who ran a wonderful potion business that was far more lucrative than anything Kashawn could've imagined. His father's family was a proud and vastly wealthy pureblood family that had the utmost respect in America, from the time he was born to now, Kashawn was treated as a prince without the title.

As for his mother, she went from being a tough Military Veteran with stereotypical black mom habits, to a well-established and distinguished woman who commanded respect. Though she was still tough, she had a softer side that gave Kashawn much more comfort than his previous mother. Even though he had a close bond with his previous mother, this version was someone who had much more time with Kashawn and took time to learn thoroughly about his likes and dislikes. Even though his previous mother was a great mom considering the situation, this version was a different yet welcomed change. However, this was all the good that this situation presented. The rest of Kashawn's new family was nothing like his old one. His grandmother went from a kind and hardheaded woman that raised him in his previous life to a stuck-up piece of blood purist trash. Which angered Kashawn greatly as he and the woman failed to get along which hurt his new father to no end. As for his cousins, he didn't get to spend much time with them as they had to go to Ilvermorny. The American wizarding school, but from what time he did get to spend with them, he wasn't a fan. Nor was he anywhere near as close with them. His previous cousins treated him like a little brother... but these guys... they seemed too stuck up to have the proper fun that Kashawn wanted to have. They seemed to think he was too immature to be a proper wizard despite his promising abilities.

Though the changes were great, there was no change worse than the change of times that was jarring for Kashawn. Going from the 21st century to the 20th was a very harsh new reality for Kashawn who found it hard to adjust without technology. Kashawn often found himself missing his smart phone and headphones, along with video games and television. Even with the luxury of magic at his fingertips, the now young boy relented and admitted that technology might outdo magic after all.

But Kashawn found new ways to pass his time and enjoy himself. Reading about the magical history of the new world was vastly more interesting than he could've ever imagined. He learned so many more things that he doubted even J.K Rowling the creator of this world wouldn't have known about. From America's much higher pureblood beliefs that caused his family to be seen as American royalty to their minister of magic absolutely loathing muggles to a degree that'd even make Umbridge look like a saint. But Magical American history was a very interesting thing to learn about for Kashawn; however, he enjoyed his potion making lessons a whole lot more.

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