Lauren and Katie

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Laurens POV*

It was a normal day other than the raging migraine I was beginning to feel. Ive been getting them since i was teen, college doesn't help a lot though. I was on my way towards my biology class as I want to be an L&D nurse so it's required. My classes aren't very far apart so i decided to stop at a local coffee shop before i arrived. When i got there i saw my crush, Katie, she lives in my apartment complex and is in all of my classes. She has long blonde hair with green and blue hazel eyes. She is in my year and sees me just as a good friend. Gosh, lesbian problems. I know she is Bi but i always see her eyeing another girl. I got my coffee and headed to class.

Time skip brought to you guys by Jeremy the snake 🐍 

After biology i went to my dorm cause it's the last class of the day. When i got to my dorm i was surprised to see Katie standing outside of her dorm crying. I walked over to see what was up.

"Hey, are you ok Kat?"

"No, my roommates kicked me out because of my sexuality. They said they didn't want a f@g like me in their rooms."

"OMG, I'm so sorry! Do you want to come over to my place for a bit?"

"You sure you want a gay in your room?" She asked through tears. I hugged her and assured her it was fine.

When we got to my room i allowed her to go first so i could lock my door. Im a woman don't judge. When we walked in she saw my huge pride flag draped across my bedroom door.

"So this is why you don't mind me over?" She said under her breath almost as if asking herself.

"Yeah, I'm a lesbian so it would be hypocritical of me to not allow you in cause you're gay." I say smirking.

We walked over to my couch and sat down. I got us a glass of water and as few cracker to munch on. We talked for hours and i learned so much about her. We have so much in common and i think I'm falling more in love.

"I don't know where i'll sleep, i don't have a place to go to anymore." Katie said looking down.

"It's ok. You can sleep here for as long as you need to, I don't have any roommates." I said holding her hand.

Katies POV*

"You know i cant accept that offer." I say squeezing her hand. I was getting such bad butterflies from her.

"Why not? We have the same classes and i live alone in this huge place, plus it's already payed off for the next year." Lauren says looking at me.

"I don't think it would be a good idea, I have way too many problems that i don't want to bring over here." I say truthfully. I start to tear up thinking about how much of a burden I am to have around.

"Hey it's ok." She says wiping my tear away, i didn't even realize i was crying. She just held me for a minute until i calmed down.

"You wont be a burden, i have many problems too so we can help each other." Lauren says looking into my eyes. I don't know what came over me but i leaned in and kissed her. I almost pulled back but then she grabbed the back of my head to pull me closer.

3rd person POV*

Lauren had Katie pinned against her couch before she separated her lips for a breath.

"I didn't know you felt that way." Said Lauren looking down at Katie.

"To be honest, i thought you only saw me as a good friend." Katie responded starting to giggle. Soon the both of them were laughing together at their own stupidity about feelings.

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