Rose and Blair

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Roses POV*
I walk into class and see my enemy, Blair. She is the smart and pretty girl that everyone asks out on dates. She bullied me a lot in middle school and freshman year but has slowed down since sophomore year. I don't know why but i guess she changed. We still don't like each other because of our past. I can't blame her though, if i was that pretty and saw some depressed band ( bass guitar) geek i would make fun of them too.
"Do you have the answers form last nights homework?" I look over absolutely shocked at who was asking me. It was fucking Blair. She was talking to me. ME OF ALL PEOPLE!
"Uhm- yeah, do you want to uhm check them?"  Don't know why i was so anxious all of the sudden.  Maybe it's because her boobs ( Hehehehe) were falling out her shirt, or maybe it was cause she looked breath taking.
"Yeah, if you don't mind, i did it but this stupid math is keeping me awake." she was giggling. We checked our homework answers and i helped her on the one she was struggling with.
"Thank you so much, do you think you could help me after school?  I know it's really weird but I'm still struggling with this."
"Yeah of course, let me just let my mom know."
"Ok, thank you so much princess."  I became flustered at the nickname and I couldn't focus the rest of the day.

~~~~~~~Time skip brought by Jeremy~~~~~~~~~~

I walked into the library where i told Blair i would meet her and sat down at a table. It was about 5 minutes past when we said we would meet but that's ok, i guess.
"Sorry I'm late," she said, "i got uhm caught up with something." I knew what she meant  when she said she got 'caught up with something' it was either herself or someone else in that janitors closet.
  wish it was me.
I don't know why i thought that I Mena she doesn't even understand what i do and shit. She must have saw me thinking.
"Hello, earth to Rose." She was waving her hand in front of my face.
"Sorry," i said, " guess i just spaced out." I was fidgeting with my nails cause she probably thinks I'm weird now.
"Anyways, let's get started."

Blairs POV*

She is so pretty, She doesn't know it but she is my big fat lesbian crush. I asked her to help me i math even though i fully understood what we were doing. I just wanted to hang out with her, cliche i know. I brought us some coffees and got a higher grade in the closet. I don't like doing it but i make money and good grades.
"So, what do you do it of school?" I was trying to make small talk now.
"I like to play the bass, i read a lot, and i work with animals.' She looked so happy when explaining what she does.  "How about you?" She asked me and i honestly had no answer for her. "I don't do much, mostly just makeup and hair for events." She looked in awe after i said that. " i can do your makeup and hair when we are done if you like me to, i need to reactive for a wedding this weekend." I was looking at her not expecting an answer. "Really? You would want to practice on me? I would love to!"

~~~~~~~~~~~time skip to after studying~~~~~~~~~

Roses POV*

We went back to her house after studying because her parents were out of town and would like to have someone at their house. We went up stairs and i saw her room, it was huge. "Wow, your room is like double or maybe even triple the size of mine!" I was just n awe. She was looking at me as if i looked immature.
"Sorry, just got really excited to see a room this big." I apologized because i didn't want her to think that i was only here for makeup. "Oh, it's ok, I know my room is big. Perks of being an only child of rich parents." We giggled and walked over to her vanity. I saw so many makeup brands and hair products I thought it was Sephora. "So, do you like anyone at school?" She asked me. She was doing my eye makeup so she was so close to me. "I do actually, a very nice uhm person. And you?"
"Yeah, i like this one girl, she is really cool." She said girl omg! I started to blush a bit. "What's your crush like, Rose?"
"She is very sweet, beautiful , smart, talented, she is just amazing." I answered her hoping she would realize she is my crush. "My crush is very talented too, shes in a band and plays guitar. She has beautiful eyes and her voice could melt any soul." Wow, she must really like whoever she is talking about.
"Have you ever kissed someone before?" I was a bit stunned at first when she asked me cause I wasn't expecting it. "Uhm, no I haven't, i guess i just never have found one to kiss." She started to lean in a bit more and i thought it was for make up but i was wrong.

Blairs POV*

I don't know what came over me, i just kissed her. I backed up immediately sensing how uncomfortable she was.
"I'm sorry, i don't know-" i was cut off by her lips against mine agin. We kissed hard and i brought her over to my bed and laid her down gently.
"You are my crush, Rose." She bushed so hard.
"You are my crush too, Blair." I didn't stop kissing her but made sure it was gentle this time knowing she had never done this before.
"So now what?" She asked me and i genuinely didn't know what to say.
''Will you be my girlfriend rose?" She nodded her head violently and we kissed again.

To be continued........

AN~ this Tory will be getting spicier later on, i didnt neat to make another one night stand deal thing. Thank you for support and comment any suggestions.

~ Nobim

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