Emma and Payton

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  (Trigger warning - contains themes of self injury. Please leave if you're uncomfortable with that topic.)

Emma's POV*

I was sitting in my bed looking at the ceiling. We were doing so well together, why did I have to ruin it. I started to cry thinking back on all g our good times together. PJ and I. It was us against the world. I looked down onto my phone, the time read 1:27. Hwy cant i sleep anymore I got up and started my shower. I live in an apartment so i was alone. I was crying thinking back on all of our good memories. I saw a blade sitting on the counter. I didn't have the urge to do it for so long cause of her but now that I'm alone, i can be free. I dig it into my skin seeing blood drip down my wrist. One for being an ass and anther one for being a bitch, don't forget a lot for just for existing. Before i knew it, my whole arms were covered and my legs were not far behind them. I tried to walk it of the shower but i passed out. When I woke up, i saw her face. I was in my bed and my arms and legs were wrapped in bandages. Payton was asleep beside me, peacefully may i add. I tried to get up but then an arm grabbed my waist carefully around my wounds.
"Don't get up, you need to rest." Paytons voice was tired and she had red eyes like she was crying.
"Why are you here?" I asked her genuily wanting to know.
"I was going to drop off the share key you gave me but when you didnt anserw i used it cause the water was running. I went into the bathroom and saw you on the floor. I stopped the bleeding and wrapped you up. I cleaned for a bit but then realized i should go but you wanted me to stay. And now I'm here." I was shocked that she did that all for me. I mean i broke her heart and tore it apart and she still healed me.
"I dont know why i left you. I mean, i thought i didnt know my feelings but i guess i was just lost in the emotions." She turned over to me after i said that. Her brown eyes were glaring at me through the lights. She was so beautiful.
"I have missed you so much since i broke up with you and you didnt deserve it. You were the only person who made me be me. I have just wanted to say I'm sorry. I'm sorry for-" i was cut off mid sentence as she crashed her lips against mine.  I grabbed her closer and deepened the kiss. I pulled away for air and saw her eyes filled with lust. She was so gorgeous.

Payton's POV*

I kissed her and felt Niagara Falls in my pants. She held the back of my head pulling me closer making me gasp.
She took this opportunity to slide her leg in between mine and use her tongue. I was practically meaning at this point missing the sensation so much.
"Please Emma, just take them off already." She stared at me knowing what i meant and took her clothing off first then mine. I held her again being sure to be careful around her bandages. I switched dour sots and laid her down. She knew she wasn't going to top me so easily. I push my legs between hers and spread her legs open. She gasped at the sudden movement. Kissing down her body, i made sure to whisper sweet words of love into her ear. I left plenty of hickeys and made me shiver.
"Do you really want to?" I ask her to be sure.
"Yes please just fuck me." She was getting impatient so i kissed down her thighs and towards her core. I could feel how turned on she was but didn't point it out cause she would always get embarrassed at the feeling. I lick a stripe from her clit down to her hole slowly going back up and down. She was already meaning my name loud.
"Please just fuck me already, i cant take the teasing anymore." She was mad now and so I continued to tease a title but before she squeezed her thighs around m head and pulled me towards her center. It was so damn sexy. I look up. At her as i laced my tongue into her tight hole.
"Look at me princess." I demanded and she looked down with her eyes shaded with lust. While she was staring at me, i placed a finger in her tight pussy and moved my tongue to her clit.
"Stay here, and don't do anything." I left to her closet where i grabbed a box and pulled out a dildo and some lube. I walked back over as her eyes darted to the toy. Little does she know this one also vibrates. I also brought over a two person dildo so i can fuck her and get fucked at the same time. I placed the vibrator on her cit to start and lubed up the actual dildo part. I fingered her a bit hearing her soft moans before i placed the tip into her.
"Tell me when you are ready for more ok?" She modded and i slammed the thing into her.
"I needed words." I say angrily that she didn't respond verbally. She was tearing up a bit from pleasure but i dint stop. She wasn't telling me to stop so i didn't. I was going hard on her but then i turned in the vibrations and she squirted all over.
"Now it's my turn. Lay down Pay." She sue my nickname and i listened.

Emmas POV*

I pushed her to the bed and got the 2 person dildo out. I placed one end in me and then started to prep her.
"This might sting for a second but you can take it love." I whispered into her ear.
I slowly guide the big dildo into her hole heading her scream. She was clawing at my back making me groan. I pulled out and then went back into her. We were both a moaning mess and shaking.
"Hold it love, we can cum together." I knew she was close cause she was shaking. I pushed one more time and told her to cum. We were bth shaking but I stayed in her as we both got down from our high. I kissed her forehead and cleaned her up. I started a shower and placed her in it while i was getting her some clothes.
~~~~~~~after shower~~~~~~~~~
"I love you Pay." I told her. She was cuddled up against me and i kissed her before slowly falling not a sleep with her.

A/N~ soooooo if you know me and read this, you know where the names came from i found it creative. Anyways hope you enjoyed and remember ber to eat drink and sleep.

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