Angel and Carly (1/2)

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Angel POV*

I was meeting my roommate for college today. I was so scared, I don't know how she will feel with my sexuality. I am an open lesbian and have flags around usually but I don't want to if it's going to make it a bad year at school.
"Hey, are you Angel?" I hear someone ask from behind me. I turn around to see the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on. I mean from her face to her body. Damn, I hope she is my roommate.
"Yeah, sorry, who are you?"
"Oh, my bad, I'm Carly. I'm supposed to be your new roommate for the year."
"Oh, well, welcome. You can take your shoes off and I will show you the way to the room so you can lay your stuff down." I tell her. Since I own the apartment, it's my responsibility to find roommates and tour.
"Wow, this looks really cool!" She said pointing to my side of the bedroom.
"Oh, thank you! I did it myself." I say proudly. She places her stuff down on her bed.
"I will go help get the rest of your things." I tell her.

~~~~ time skip y'all ~~~~

After a while, I talked her through the whole renting and living situation. Basically the rent is the amount of people living here divided by the rent. And of course, we all do some small chores like laundry and dishes.
"Wow, ok."
"Are you ok with everything?"
"Yeah, I'm fine with it I was just expecting something about sex not going to lie."
"Oh, uhm, I don't really care just let me know I guess." I got flustered because even though I am a 2nd year college student, I am a virgin.
"You sure you're ok with it? The topic kinda made you a bit flustered."
"Yeah it's fine."
"Ok so, do you have eyes on anyone in your classes?" She asks me.
"Not really in my classes."
"Oooh so you do like someone." She teases.
"I don't know. Maybe I do." I say teasing back.
"What is he like?"
"So you're assuming it's a he?" I respond.
"Is he a she?"
"Yup. I'm a raging woman lover." I giggle.
"Me too." We kinda just start laughing for a bit before I ordered some food and set up a movie. It's something I do every time a new person moves in with me. My old roommate didn't like me being gay so she left so I had to find a new one. I think Carly will be the perfect fit.
"Basically, I watch movies with all my new roomies so I can better know them and I let them choose so here you go!" I tell her handing the remote over.
"Can we watch a horror movie?" Carly says very happy.
"Yeah sure, just know I might look away though I am a bit of a scaredy cat." I warn.

Carly's POV*

I am loving my new roommate. She is so pretty and her name is literally Angel. She let me choose a movie so I turned on the Fear Street movies. I love these movies especially with new people. I lay down on our makeshift bed on the floor and she lays beside me. After the intro, there is a big scream that scared her and she turned around into my arms.
"Hey, it's ok, it's just the intro." I say chucking a bit.
"Oh so it's funny?" She asks seeming offended.
"No I didn't mean to-"
"I'm joking, I just scare easy."
"I thought I like offended you."

~~~~ after movie ~~~~

I laid my sheets down and for under my blanket getting ready for bed.
"Hey, I know we just met but that movie scared me and I can't sleep." I hear from my roommate.
"Yeah, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you that bad." I say apologizing. I really didn't mean to scare her that bad but I mean a little scare is good right?
"Do you mind if you come over here to lay, I'm sorry if it's weird you don't have to I just I don't know never mind." I don't respond I just get up and walk over to her and lay behind her. I grab her waist and pull her closer to me.
"Thank you, Carly."
"Yeah, it's my fault anyways." I soon heard her breathing calm down a bit and I noticed that she had fallen asleep. I however could not. I got up to walk a bit before trying to sleep again. I go into the kitchen and grab a bottle of water and walk around the house a bit.
"What are you doing? It's 2 in the morning." I hear from behind me making me almost pee myself.
"Oh I uhm couldn't sleep so I decided to walk around a bit. Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." I say.
"It's alright, let's just go back to sleep."
"Yeah, good idea." We get back into the room and I lay back beside her. I grab her waist again with one hand and the other hand goes into her hair gently playing with it. Soon enough, we were both out cold and sleeping very well.

A/N~ this is a part one of two or three and it was my first request so I hope it goes well I don't know. Also, please check out my other one shot story if you want different genders.

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