Charlie and Tess

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Charlie's POV*

Waking up today was not fun. I had a raging migraine and was feeling so nauseous. I didn't want to go to work today, I could barely open my eyes. I called into work.
"Hi, this is Charlie Smith, I am going to need to call out sick today. I'm so sorry for not saying anything earlier but I am very sick."
"Yeah of course Charlie, feel better."
"Thank you, good bye." Thank the heavens that I had my boss on the other end.  I call my friend to let her know I won't be at work today. We work the same shifts and I didn't want her to be alone. She told me she would see me after work.

~~~ time skip 🐍🐍~~~~

It was about 2pm and I heard a knock on my door.
"Come in." I yelled barely loud enough for Tess to hear.
"Hey, I brought you some soup." She said holding up a bag.
"You are a life saver." I remind her.
We turn on a show and make a small snack board.
"I love you so much, thank you." I tell her. I hold her closely while I get a wave of nausea. Shelby rubs my back and whispers sweet nothings in my ear. I don't have the guts to tell her that she is turning me on. this dayum hoe. I think to myself. I hold her closer and slowly breathe in her scent. She smells amazing. I look up at her and she looks into my eyes. Next thing I know I feel my lips on hers. I didn't think, I just kissed her. She kissed back and I sat up for a better angle.

Tess' POV*

I felt her lips on mine and instantly kissed her back. Her lips were so soft and tasted like cherries. She sat up to get a better angle and so I grabbed her head to pull her closer.
"God, I need you so bad." She tells me. I almost moan at those words.
"Don't worry, you will get it." I push her onto the bed softly minding her head. I kiss down her body and lift her shirt up.
"God you are so gorgeous." I tell her. I grab one of her boobs and play with it while I put the other one in my mouth. I slowly lick and nip at her. The little noises she made turned me on so much.
"God baby, those noises." I tell her.
I switch to her other boob and do the same thing with it. She was squirming and making noises under me making me feel insane.
"I need more love! I just need you." She yells.
"Keep that up and you might regret it." I say to her. I place my hand in her shorts and take some of her wetness and bring it to my mouth.
"You taste so sweet." I tell her.
After sucking my fingers clean, I slide them back down to her and rub her clit softly. She was so pretty with her eyes closed and her hair spread everywhere. God I couldn't wait to make her cum. I slide down her shorts fully and place my tongue where my fingers were.
"Yes baby, that is what I needed!" She yells out. I move my mouth around and feel her getting wetter by the second. I take my fingers near her hole and tease her.
"Tess, please." She begs. I plunge two fingers into her tight hole. I felt around for a bit before I found a spongey feeling area. I knew I found it.
"Oh my god baby! That feels so good!" Her legs start shaking. I keep rubbing her G- spot and moving my fingers in her at a inhumane pace.
"Cum for me love." I whisper in her ear. She comes undone while shaking and squirting everywhere.
"One more round?" I ask her.
"Duh." I undress myself while she catches her breath. I slide my leg down on hers so we are on top of each other. I slowly move and feel her on me.
"Yes love, keep going." I get my pace going and soon enough I am pounding down on her. I am going to hard that I am cramping but I don't care. I need this high. I keep going until I feel her go away under me and I soon follow.
"That was amazing love." She whispers to me. We were both out of breath so I just respond with,
"Yeah no shit, it's cause I did it." I let her catch her breath while I did the same.

~~~ small time skip ~~~~

After we caught our breath, I got us some towels, new sheets, and candles. I set them up in the bathroom  and bring her over while I change the sheets.

"I love you so much Tess." She tells me.
"I love you too."

A/N~ YALL ARE BLOWING ME UP TYSM! Also I am going on vacation for a bit so if I don't post a lot don't come for me please. ( cum for me ;) anyways have a good day/night!

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