Angel and Carly (2/2)

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2 months after part 1

Angels POV*

I think I have started forming feelings for my roommate, Carly. I don't think she is into me because she is always with another woman and it makes me feel so jealous. Yes I am a virgin but still I want to be the one she is with. She is just so sweet and caring and beautiful. I on the other hand could never be like her. She probably doesn't even care about me that much. I bet she thinks I am just a roommate that is close with her.
"Hey, what are you doing?" She asks as she walking into our room.
"Nothing, thinking I guess. Should be studying though." I say honestly.
"What are you thinking about?" She asks me.
"Just someone."
"Oh? Who is that?"
"Some girl I met before school started. She is really nice and she is beautiful too. She cares about me too, you know?"
"What's her name?"
"Why? Are you jealous?"
"Why would I be jealous? It's not like we are together." She says laughing. Ouch. That was a punch to the gut.
"It's whatever, you need anything?"
"I need to know who the girl is."
"Fine, I guess I will have to..." she starts walking towards me.
"Tickle it out of you." Shit. She starts tickling me and I start laughing a lot.
"Stop." I say through laughs and labored breathing.
"Just tell me!" She says continuing.
I flip her over and just sit there for a moment while we catch our breath.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" I realized how I was sitting on her waist and almost got up.
"No, don't move, I'm comfortable." She says grabbing my hips. God, I need to leave before I get too turned on. I couldn't think clearly at all. She flips us back over and kisses me. I don't know why. She just did. I kissed her back of course. I grab her neck to pull her closer to me and kiss her harder. 
"I've been wanting to do this for so long."
"Me too." We lay on our sides and continue making out. I feel her grabbing the hem of my shirt.
"Can we?" I ask.
"Please." I let her undress me and i then undress her. I start to kiss down her neck and nip at certain areas.
"Oh god, that feels so good." She praises. I continue to kiss in that spot and form a bruise.
"Mine, all mine."
"Please, i need more."
"Patience." I continue kissing down her body and find her breast. I kissed and sucked on her boob ( hehe bewby ) making her arch her back. (Let me hit from the back let me arch my back)
"That feels amazing."
"Never had a girl do you before?"
"No, can't say i have."
"You are in for a treat." I smirk against her breast. I switch over to her other boob and mark all over her.
"May i continue?"
"Please do!" I kiss further down her abdomen licking every inch. I place my hand over her heat.
"God baby, you are so wet." I moan over stomach. I could tell she was embarrassed so I place my leg over hers. I move over and slide on her thigh. I stick a finger into her tight hole and fuck her while I fuck myself on her.
"Fuck, this feels so good."
"Yeah? Want more?"
"May i?" I stick another two fingers into her pounding into her. I start moving harder against her thigh.
"I'm going to cum-"
"Hold it."
"I can't!"
"Yes, you can." I start pounding into her harder and rub her clit with my finger. I feel myself getting closer and closer to my climax.
"Cum for me baby." She starts shaking and screaming my name. I finish on her thigh and she finishes on my hand. I get off and immediately start sucking her clit.

Carly's POV*

I feel her mouth on me after i climaxed making me feel insane.
"Oh my god love!" I yell out. I grab some of her hair pulling her closer to me if it was possible. I could feel myself getting closer already even though i had just finished. She felt so good and looked amazing under me. I almost finished but i needed more. I grab her and bring her up to my mouth.
"I want to try." I tell her. So flips so she is sitting on my face but my pussy is near her mouth too. (Basically 69) I start to lick her pussy tasting the best thing ever. I continue licking and eating her out while she does the same to me.
"Oh my god, you are a natural at this." She praises.
"You taste so good." We continue eating each other out. I felt her legs shaking around my head.
"Ready to finish?"
"Yes, please." We finish on each others face and clean each other up.
"That was amazing."
"I told you it would be."

A/N~ I think this will be only a 2 part
bc I am struggling to continue this but this was my first time doing a request so hope you enjoyed.

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