Elle and Emily

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Elle's POV*

Coming home from work can be exhausting some times, having to deal with dying people isn't what I expected. I'm a nurse but there are way more deaths than I thought. Today, I lost one of the kids I was working with who had cancer. It has been a hard long day and I just wanted to get home to my wife and cry. I pulled into the driveway looking like shit, feeling the same way.
"Hey baby how was your day?" She asked not looking up from the food she way cooking me. I didn't respond, I didn't know how to.
"Baby? You alright?" She turns around finally.
"Baby, what's wrong?" I was tearing up. I could only say one word over and over again.
Dead. He was dead. Dead, dead, dead.
"Oh love, I'm so sorry. It's not your fault.Let me get you a bath going."
She carried me upstairs into our shared bathroom and turned on the water.
"Get undressed love, I'll make some tea and snacks."
She was so caring it made me feel a bit better already. 
Once she was back, she had two glasses of tea and some chocolate. I know I looked rough, I've been crying every chance I had.
"Relax baby, I got you. You will be ok." She kept whispering in my ear. She sat down in the now full tub and I followed her. I laid down on her and felt her hand go around my waist. I felt comfort again.
"Thank you love, I needed this." I tell her. She is just humming a soft tune I didn't know. I soon almost drifted off to sleep when she grabbed my thigh.
"What are you doing love?" I ask her, not knowing if she knew what she was doing.
"Let me relive some stress, ok?"
I just nod as she picks me up and starts to drain the tub. She looks so hot with water going down her body. I want her now. No I need her.
"Let's go to the room, I'll help you there." She was smirking.
She picked me up and laid me on our bed.
"What do you need love?" She asks me while trailing a finger up my body.
"You baby, I need you."
"Aww desperate already?" I nod not wanting her to know how much she affects me.  She runs her hand down to my sex and I feel myself getting wet.
"All this for me love?" She asks.
"Yes, only for you."
"Good girl. Let me treat you right princess." Those nicknames made me feel insane. Her body came closer to mine and we locked lips. I pull her head closer to mine and deepen the kiss. I groan into her mouth as she bites my lip.
Her hand is now on my bundle of nerves slowly moving almost as if she was teasing me.
"Please, I need you." I beg.
"Yeah? Well then take this." She says as she shoves her fingers into me. I knew i begged for her but damn. The feeling of her in me was almost enough to send me over already.
"Yes baby! Faster please!" I beg as she continues to pound into me.
"I can't help it- I'm going to cum!" I scream and squirm.
"Let it go baby, you are so good. You deserve it." She talks me through my high as she fucks me.
"Is that better now?" She asks as she picks me up and lays me on her chest.
"Yes baby, I love you."
"I love you too, get some rest." She tells me as she kissed my forehead.

A/N~ I just realized I write this as someone who is disgusted by sex on me- wtf.

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