Chloe and Alex

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Chloe's POV*

My best friend, Alex, has been at my house for two hours now and we decided to put on a movie. We haven't hung out in so long so we decided to have a sleepover. I turn on a movie and lay down with my head on her lap. We always have cuddled so it wasn't anything new and she was playing with my hair.
"Chloe, can I tell you something embarrassing?" She asks me.
"Of course, I might laugh but not in a mean way." I tell her honestly.
"I haven't had sex in so long and I need it so bad. I'm like so horny I can't even focus on the movie." She told me. To be fair, I haven't had sex in a long time either so I was also horny.
"Girl, me too!" I tell her laughing. We are on our sides rolling side to side in laughter.
"I could literally take anything. Pussy or dick." I tell her after calming down a bit.
"I just want pussy." She tells me.

"What if we just helped each other out? No harm right?" I ask her.
"I don't know, what if it ruins our friendship. I don't want it to." I assure her it won't. I am asexual so I like sex but I don't connect with people sexually.
"I promise you, I think we both need some relief, that's all." I lean and she does to and we interlock our lips. I push her down on the bed and hold myself up above her.
"Your lips are very soft." I tell her.
"Yours too." She giggles. I continue kissing down her body and lift up her shirt. She had some nice tits not going to lie. I put one in my mouth slowly licking it and biting sometimes. My other hand goes to her other tit playing with it before I switch boobs.
"God, that feels really good." She reminds me that I am doing a good job.
"That means you're going to like it in other places more." I tell her seductively. She basically moaned at those words.
I slide my hand down her shorts and realize she isn't wearing any underwear.
"You are so wet!" I tell her and I could tell she was embarrassed so I take her hand to my heat so she could feel me too. I take her shorts off and kiss up and around her thighs.
"You are so pretty." I tell her.
I kiss her clit making her shiver a bit. She lets out a small sigh of relief as I put my mouth over her.
"God, you are so good at this!" She tells me through moans.

Alex's POV*

Seeing Chloe eating me out brought me to my orgasm faster than ever. She was doing so well with her tongue in me and moving around.
"I'm going to cum!" I yell.
"Let it go love." She smiled at me.
After I calmed down, I pin her down. I grab a vibrator out of the dresser and turn it on low. I need to see her under me. I love her shorts to the side and put the toy on her.
"Oh, yes love." She praises me. I move it around and lick my fingers. I slide them in slowly seeing her face move as I find her soft spot. She looks so hot under me.
"You like that?" I ask her while keeping the toy on her and my fingers in her.
"Yes! God I'm going to cum!"  She yells out.
"Cum for me." I demand. She shakes as I take the toy off and replace everything with my mouth.
"You taste so sweet love." I tell her. She smiles and I get up to get a cloth.
"You did so good." I tel her.
"You were fucking amazing." She replies. I clean her up and turn our movie back on.

A/N~ I'm in a slump rn but I will try to update more.

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