Izzy & Eryn

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Izzy's POV*

It was 2 in the morning and i was finally able to take a break from studying. My girlfriend, Eryn, was sleeping beside me in our bed. It was my last year of college and she was already finished so we live together in my apartment. I lay down beside her and put my arm around her waist so we were spooning. I thought she was totally asleep however she started to rub her ass against me and i let out a ow groan.
"Finally done studying,love?" She asks innocently.
"Yeah, took forever though and i had too many energy drinks so I'm not really tired." She looks up at me and rolls her eyes. She always tells me how bad energy drinks are for me but she isn't studying still so.
"Don't roll your eyes at me, turd" i say looking back down at her. "You know you love me," she turns around so we are facing each other. The moonlight against her blue eyes made me go numb.
"I know you love me but when you stare at me it kinda creeps me out." She says giggling softly. I lean in to kiss her and she instantly melts into the kiss.

SMUT warning (why are you here if you don't like smut)

I place my hand behind her neck to pull her closer.
"Ive been waiting for you to finish studying." I pull Eryn into such a desperate and deep kiss. Our tongues  fought for dominance but i won obviously.
I pinned her down and continued to kiss her while getting rid of our tops.

Eryns POV*

I hope Izzy likes my little surprise of me not wearing underwear tonight. I was wearing tight booty shorts and a long shirt so she wouldn't have been able to tell till i got undressed.
"I have a surprise for you baby." I say as seductive as i could. I got up and slowly started to take off my shorts showing my bare drenched pussy.
"I have a surprise too, but i want you to beg to see it." She is so hot when she is demanding. I don't listen though and I walked over to our bed away from her and i looked at her in the eyes. I sucked my fingers and slowly trailed them down my stomach towards my throbbing core. I could tell she was enjoying it by the way she was squirming around. I rim my hole for a second before sliding in a finger and moaning very loud on purpose. She is staring into my eyes like she cant take them off of me.
"Mhmmm yes mommy.." i moan trying to get her attention. She doesn't wait anymore. I see her pull out a hot pink vibrator and turn it on high. I was already moaning but when she moved my hands away and replaced it with the toy i thought i was going to explode.
"You like that baby? You seem to enjoy it quite a bit." I couldn't even form a sentence for a response, i just pulled her in for a long deep kiss. Suddenly she takes the toy off of my clit and before i had the chance to complain she plunges 2 fingers deep into me.
"I asked you a fucking question whore." She was mad now.
"Yes mommy i love the toy!" I couldn't even try to hod it back anymore. She takes out her fingers just to shove in 4. I screamed in agony but was shut up by her mouth crashing into mine. We have fingered each other before but this was the most we have ever done. "I cant take it Iz, please stop!" Even though i begged her she didn't stop. I didn't use our code word yet so she just continued to thrust her fingers into me.
Soon, the pain turned into pleasure and i wasn't in pain anymore. She takes back out the toy and places it right where i needed it.  I was becoming overstimulated quick.
"Im going to squirt!" I yell before i finished all over her hands and the sheets. I was tired but it was her turn now.

Izzys POV*

After she squirt all over our sheets i was about to start a shower but then she pulls me down and pins me to the board. She grabbed some handcuffs from somewhere and kept me there. I was confused when she left me but then i saw her grab the box. She slowly grabs an internal vibrator and dildo. This dildo looked weird though, it has two inserts not one. She pulls down my pants and slides between my legs rubbing my clit. She smashes her lips into mine.
"I want to try two toys at once." She says shyly. I was stunned but couldn't hold back my excitement.
"Yes, please do!" I say. Without a second to spare, she places the vibrator into my drenched pussy and i closed my eyes in pleasure. I only opened them to see why she let out a small moan. She put the weird looking dildo in herself and it made sense to me now. She pulls my legs up past her face and started to prep my tight asshole with her tongue. I was feeling so much pleasure that i didn't want to end. She sets me down and i see her line up the dildo with my ass. She plunges it deep and it felt so good. She slowly starts to move in and out making us both a moaning mess. She picked up her pace and was going so fast that without warning i came and the vibrator fell out of my pussy. She didn't stop though, she hadn't cum yet.

"Baby i don't know how much longer i can go." I scream. She doesn't stop as she continues pounding my ass. I cum for a second time and so does she.
"That was amazing." Eryn says catching her breath.
"Yes, we are totally doing that again."
We didn't shower however we got a rag and picked up and drifted off to sleep.

A/N - let me know how you guys feel about hopping straight into the sex or making a story first!

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