Lilli and Marie

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Lillis POV*

Walking into my new school, I didn't have high expectations. I have been to a private school my whole life and grew up very Christain never being in a public school. First thing I saw was people making out in the fucking hallways. Get a room. Walking into the principals office I get my schedule.
"Thank you ma'am." I tell the lovely lady.
"Of course, tell me if you need anything." I walk out smiling which soon turns around when I accidentally bump into someone.
"I'm so sorry let me help you. I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention. I'm sorry." I repeat over and over again trying to show how sorry I was.
"It's ok, first day?" The person I bumped into says. I look up to see a beautiful woman, I mean stunning I wish I was a guy to date her.
"Yeah, again, I'm really sorry for that." I say looking down.
"Don't be sorry sweetheart, it was only an accident." The nickname made me blush.
"I'm sorry I got to get going bye." I tell her walking away very quickly to anywhere but there. I didn't know where I was going but I knew that I had to be fast.
Finally I reach my first class, calculus. I know I'm a junior taking a much older class but I like math and it's easy once you get it.
"Welcome, you must be the new student!" The teacher greeted me warmly.
"Yeah, where do you need me to sit?" I ask anxious to make another mistake before second period.
"Anywhere is fine, I don't care as long as you are focusing and keeping up in class!" I liked him, he was funny.
Maybe public school isn't that bad. When the bell was about to ring, a flood of students came in hurried to get in a seat.
"Nice to see you keeping my seat warm, princess." I look up to see the girl I ran into.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't know you had seats I'm so sorry-"
"I'm just fucking with you, I don't sit there, I sit beside you." She was laughing.
"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't know." I was picking at my nails.
"Don't be anxious, it's just class, plus I don't bite." I don't move.
"My name is Marie by the way."
"That's a pretty name, do you know why you were named that?"
"Wow, very talkative I see."
Thank the Lord that the bell rang or else I was going to die.
"Class please welcome our new student, Lilli, she is a junior and will be in this class for the rest of the year." Everyone turned to me in shock. Apparently they didn't have a lot of juniors taking calculus.
"You're a junior? I would have never know!" Marie said beside me.
After that class, I had band. I know what a nerd likes math and is in band? Yeah whatever. But in my defense I play percussion and I think that is hot. That class went by fast as I enjoy it so of course it had to fly bye.
"Hey pretty girl." I knew that voice now.
"Still not talking?"
"It's ok, how about we have lunch together?"
"No thanks, I'm not hungry."
"Well we can still talk."
I am still looking at my feet as we walk.
"I don't know."
"Come on, it won't be bad."
"I need to do things though."
"Oh?! What type of things?"
"Things that this school doesn't allow."
"Like what?"
"I pray before every meal. I've never been to a public school."
"Aww my princess is already opening up." She looked proud?
"Please stop with the pet names." I ask politely.
"Why, do you like it and can't admit it? I know you like it, you turn into a tomato." She cackled. I get into the bathroom which she followed me into.
"Why are you following me?"
"I just want to know you, that's all."
"Ok but this is the bathroom. Are you allowed to be in here with me?" I ask afraid of getting in trouble.
"Yeah, why wouldn't I?"
"Because we might just be talking. I can't be in trouble."
"It's alright baby, they don't care here." I blush and go into a stall.
"Aww, you got so red that time."
"I need to pray, silent please."
"Ok whatever you say love."

Marie's POV*

She was so fine. I mean who doesn't love a Christain girl?
"...and lord, forgive me for what I am about to do." I hear at the end of her prayer.
"What was that last bit about baby?" I ask. She doesn't respond she just locks the door and kisses me. Holy shit, I turned a straight Christain gay. Yay me. I grab her waist pulling her closer deepening the kiss.
"You sure about this?" I ask not wanting to push her in this way.
"Yes please, you know what to do." She takes off her shirt and dayum she has titties. I mean at least a DD.
"Desperate aren't we?" I tease.
"I've never done this before."
"Let's go to my house then?"
"I have class, I can't."
"Then I will bring you home after."
I didn't want to wait but I know I should.
"Ok, your place?" She asks, i just nod. She has become very talkative now.
"See you then baby girl."

Time skip horny hoes

Going into my house I slam her against the door. She gasps but kisses me.
"You wanna do this?" I ask.
"Yes, please I need to do something." Needy hoe.
I carry her upstairs and lay her on my bed. I grab a vibrator to make sure her first is a good time.
"What's that?" She asks. I just turn it on and put it on her clothed clit.
Her mouth just drops.
"Get undressed." I tell her, I do the same. Seeing her body made me so needy too.
"Lay down now, let me take the lead ok?" She nods.
"You are so gorgeous, so pretty, so amazing." I tell her as I kiss down her. She is getting turned on I can tell. I lick two of my fingers and place them on her now bare clit.
"Keep your legs open no matter what." I demand. She whimpers making me feel weak.
I start to move my fingers slowly to get her used to the feeling. I was kissing all over her the whole time to make sure she was ok.
"That feels really good." She exclaims.
"Yeah? Want the vibrator?"
"Yes please!" She almost yells.
"Good girl." I grab the toy and place it on her. She almost screams making me smile.
"Go ahead baby, no one is home, let me hear you."
She just started to moan as much as she could. I moved the setting up on the toy making her louder. I knew she was close.
"Just let go baby, come undone." I tell her. She finishes on me and I soon lay on her so our heats touch.
"Wanna go one more time?" I ask. She thrusts her hips up giving me my answer.
"God baby, you want more?" She keeps going up moaning more and more making my orgasm ten times better.
"Im going to cum baby." She just nods in agreement. I release and she follows soon after.
I collapse beside her.
"That was amazing. Who knew?" I ask she is just breathing heavy and her eyes are closed.
"Are you ok?" I ask.
"I shouldn't have, it's a sin." She keeps repeating.
"No, it's ok, it's what you wanted, you are ok. You did nothing wrong."
She just cried into my arm for a while. Once I knew she was asleep, I got a cloth and some fresh clothes and blankets for her. I dress her and fall asleep by her.
I hope she doesn't mind the hickeys too.

A/N~ who would write a story abt themselves l? Totally not me.... ALSO LOVE THIS!

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