Amber and Grace

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Ambers POV*

I walked in from school and saw my beautiful girlfriend, Grace laying on the couch. She was asleep and peaceful so i covered her up with a blanket and brought her upstairs to our room. She slowly woke up a bit while i was laying her down but then fell asleep back asleep when i joined her under the covers.
"I love you Grace." I whispered in her ear. I started to close my eyes and drift off to sleep with her.

~~~~~~~~~~time skip hoes~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Good morning baby." She was putting stray hairs behind my ear which got me flustered.
"You are so pretty baby. I wish we could stay like this but i need to go to the gym." I kissed her forehead and tried to walk away but she pulled me onto the bed.
"I don't want you to go, love." She gave me the puppy eyes and I almost fell for it.
"How about you go to the gym with me, it will only be me since it's early."
"Ok, what should i wear?"
"Anything you want to love, you don't need to workout with me, you can just stare at my ass." She blushed and i smirked. We left the house and headed to the gym which wasn't a long drive only 5 minutes.
"You ready to go?"
"You bet love."

~~~~another time skip bc i dont want to write~~~~

We walked in and she looked very happy.
"I need to go shower, are you going to join me?" She looked at me with sudden lust in her eyes my body returned the favor. We walked up the stairs me holding her hand the whole way up and then we went into our room to get towels. We turned on the shower water and started undressing quickly with eager.
"You dont know how long I've been waiting." 
We get under the warm water and smash our lips instantly.

Graces POV*

I pushed her against the wall and started feeling all over her body trying to turn her on.
"Please love, please just touch me or something already. I need it." I got wet myself as that turned me on so much hearing her beg. I licked down her torso going on every ab and leaving nips hearing her soft moans. I look up to her and she could barely keep her eyes open.
"Look at me, slut." I demanded. She opens her eyes and stares at me as i start to rub her clit. I started slowly getting more speed the louder she got. I could tell she was getting close and replaced  my finger with my tongue.
She got older and i added fingers t make it the most whimsical thing we have ever done.
"Baby, i cant hold it-" she was cut off by moaning and i kept going till she fell over.
"Your turn love." I let her push me on the wall and kiss down me. "You're so wet for me love." Without warning she shoved her finger into me making me scream in shock and pleasure. It felt so good.
"Baby please keep going. Harder please." She listened and put three fingers into me making me shake. She held me up and went so hard.
"I'm going to cum love." I couldn't help it. She stopped all of the sudden and before i could do any whining she grabbed something and put it on. It was a dildo. WHERE THE FUCK DID SHE GET A DILDO?!?!
She thrusted into me and i was in so much pleasure that I couldn't even think. I was shaking and she was groaning from the friction on her clit from the rubber. "Let's cum together." And so we did. The best shower ever. We finished with a bath and got dressed. I love her so much.

A/N ~ do you like this type? Let me know thank you.

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