~ Phone Call ~

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So I know this song is a little out of place but it's the best song I can find under the circumstances. Jaeger's bike is a 1999 Harley Davidson Road King.... Enjoy!

Jaeger's POV:

"How in the hell did you manage to do that?" I look up from the computer screen to see a scowling West standing in my bedroom door with what I could see is his phone with a shattered screen. Feeling smug I swivel in my chair and lean back folding my arms over my chest and give him a smirk. "I won't bore you with the details, but suffice to say that all I needed was your phone number and the phone's serial number and voila!" He growls a curse at me and glares. I can tell that he's contemplating throwing his phone at me the way he was holding it and prepared to dodge should he give in to temptation. I push my glasses up the bridge of my nose and wait to see what he does and instead he sighs and dumps the ruined phone into the garbage can beside my doorway. "You are a real pain in the ass when it comes to computers, brother." I give in to the urge and grin smugly at him one eyebrow raised. He growled and glared harder at me much to my amusement. He'd been a little on edge lately with his upcoming nuptials and me deciding to hack his phone wasn't helping any. 

Deciding to have mercy on him I let my smile drop. "This should be an important lesson about fucking with an IT guy who has the ability to make your life hell." His wide shoulders go rigid for a moment as he continued to glare at me then let's them drop the muscles loosening as they sag. "Yeah alright, Jaeger, message received." I nod and swivel back towards my computer monitors and hit a few keys adjusting my glasses as I do so. After a minute I hit send and look over at West and grin. "I sent some funds to your account so you can replace your phone." He gapes at me for a moment then shakes his head. "That's not necessary." I shrug and crack my knuckles. While I may not live like it I can more than easily afford to send a brother a couple hundred dollars to replace a phone. It's what happens when a security system you designed takes off. "It's not that big of a deal, man. I'm the one who caused you to break it in the first place. Personal accountability and all that shit." 

He looks like he wants to argue with me but I quickly change the subject. "How's Grace doing? Has the nerves gotten to her yet?" His whole demeanor and facial expression changes and lights up at the mention of his fiancée. "She's good, she's off with Nightmare and Ashe dress shopping." I cock a brow at that and fight a grin. Since Adria came out with the news that she was pregnant Bullet has been a little zealous about making sure she and the baby were okay and barely let her leave the compound without him. "I'm surprised he let her go all things considered." West snorted and leaned against the doorway of my bedroom his arms folded over his chest. "Oh he wanted to send a Prospect with them to ensure nothing happened but she threatened to flatten the tire of said Prospect's bike if he did so." I laugh and shake my head knowing that she would do so in a heart beat. She wasn't a fan of being smothered, an argument that has been on repeat since her pregnancy announcement. 

"Bullet better be lucky she hasn't let out the air in his tires yet for all he's done since the announcement." We both shudder at the thought. "Was there something else? You caught me in the middle of debugging the compound's security system." Here lately it's been out of sorts and as the resident IT guy it was my job to fix it. "Yeah as of matter of fact." The brother's expression changes once again, the overly somber and somewhat pained expression flitting across his face. "There was a phone call in the main office or you; someone named Evie Dawson. Said it was important that you contact her whenever you can." He pulls a piece of folded up paper from his jeans out of his pocket and hands it to me before sauntering out of the room. I can feel my heart beat thud almost painfully against my ribs as I look down at the piece of paper. After all these years we hadn't kept in contact so the fact that she's managed to track me down after all this time was a little strange. Probably wanted to touch base with you after all it's been a few years. 

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