~ Stubborn ~

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Evie's POV:

How could such a wonderful day be destroyed by something, or rather someone, standing over your bed? That was the question that ran on a loop through my mind as I sat there in shock staring continuously at the spot at the foot of my bed to see someone standing over me. My heart thundered so loudly that I didn't even notice my door splintering in two from the force of which Gray came barreling into the room, gun drawn and pointed. He shouted something that I didn't catch in my stupor. There was a thundering sound and a grunt of pain quickly followed by a second shot but by hat time I'd snapped out of it and screamed. A mistake because it caused Gray to lose his focus and turn to me. The intruder took the opportunity to bolt for the open widow. Gray snapped out of it but it was too late and the figure was gone. My hands were freezing and were shaking as a near silent sob shook from me. Immediately he was there as he scooped me up and cradled me in his lap with my head pressed to his chest while he rocked me. He didn't try to say anything he just held me and let me cry and shook apart i his arms. After a while there was a pounding on the door and the distinct sound of "Police! NOPD!"  Growling something under his breath Gray sat me aside with a rumbled. "Get dressed." before he was gone to get the door himself. Numbly I got up and dressed in his t shirt and a pair of shorts before making my way out to see the cops once again standing in my living room.

"Miss Dawson? We're with the police department; we're responding to a call about gun shots." I blink at the female officer that had spoken and blink at her dumbly then it clicked that it had occurred in my bedroom, in what was supposed to be a safe place for me. Violated. Anger burned in my gut as well as fear and I swayed on my feet. Gray must have been eyeing me closely for signs of stress or shock because he was grabbing me before I even knew he moved. He sat me down on the couch then headed for the kitchen and was messing with the cabinets. "Miss Dawson we know you've had a difficult night but we need to talk about what happened tonight." Again the female cop said. Her tone was compassionate but it was also firm as she sat next to me on the couch. Finally Gray returns and has a half a glass of amber liquid that I knew to be a shot of whiskey in the glass. He hands it to me, encouraging me to drink it. When I knock the shot back and I start to relax and look up at the cop who's name tag read Wilson. I meet her gaze ad straighten my shoulders the whiskey worming it's way to my stomach warming me and chasing away the numb chill that had settled in me. "He could have reached out and grabbed me he was so close." I didn't realize I'd spoken the words out loud until I saw Officer Wilson take out a hand notebook and start writing. Then it was like a dam that just broke but rather than tears they were words.

 "Unfortunately I didn't get a look at him; he had a black hood over his head so  but he had brown yes so dark they were nearly black. When he moved his head I noticed a tattoo that had 198, I couldn't make out the rest of it though. He's a white male though I caught a glimpse of his skin around the tattoo. He was about six feet tall and kind of... well it looked like he had a spare tire around the middle." To her credit Officer Wilson didn't so much as blink at the description her professional mask solidly in place. What about your Mr. Montgomery? Can you tell me what happened from your perspective and why you had that gun on you?" I turned my head to look at Gray who had a stony look on his face as he stared at the cops. A muscle twitched in his cheek was the only sign of anything than cold fury. His hazel eyes were masked behind a wall that crackled. He looked and was calm but that tick said more than an entire essay could. "Is there anything else you can think of that could help?" Officer Wilson's question snapped me back into reality making me look at her once more. I bit my lip as I thought about it for a second. "He pretty much kept himself covered up." The other officer pulled Gray off to the side and asked to be shown where the incident happened. He hesitated for a moment his eyes on me.

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