~ One Night ~

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Hope y'all ready for some steam! The song is One Night Only by Jennifer Hudson.... Enjoy!

Evie's POV:

I groaned and rubbed my temples as another song blared through the speakers at Silverman's. After the funeral it was decided that the group should go to the bar and have a few drinks and let out some steam. Problem was that I was past enjoying myself and all I wanted to do was to go home. I didn't want to be rude however and cut the party short so I'd stayed and pretended that I was having a good time. Gray had disappeared somewhere in the crowd with a couple of his MC brother's and was having a rip roaring good time. Grace sat on the stool next to me with her head bobbing along to Meghan Trainor's Lips Are Movin'. I had to admit that it was catchy and despite my headache found myself tapping my to. I found out that Grace was actually legally blind and only saw shadows of shapes and splotches of color. The big clue was the walking stick she kept to her side as she but danced along to the jukebox. I sipped on my Crown and coke while people watching. I was interrupted from my train of thought when Gray suddenly appeared in front of me. His hand wrapped around mine and took a quick sip out of my drink and winced. I huff and swat at him to get him away he only chuckled.

 He leaned back and studied me for a long moment and studied me his head cocked to one side. He'd always been very intuitive about other people and it was no surprise when he took my glass from me and tugged me up to my feet. "C'mon Evie, let's get you out of here. Grace mind telling West that I'll call him later to finalize those details we discussed." When the blonde smiled and nodded along with a thumbs up  Gray turns and pulls me through the crowd and out the door. When the door shuts behind us I sigh at the sound of the brief quiet that rings in my ears. Even though I can hear the throbbing of the bass from inside Silverman's it was a relief  to be outside again. Having my hand still in his grip I lean my head against Gray's bicep and close my eyes for a moment. His quiet chuckle echoes in my ears before I'm tugged along towards where he'd parked his bike earlier in the day. When he hands me the spare helmet I slip it on and have it strapped on in record time making him chuckle. The weight of it made my head throb less but it didn't ease it entirely. When Gray starts the bike I slide on behind him and we roar off into the night heading for my house. Wrapping my arms around him and leaning my head against his back I close my eyes and listen to the rumble of his bike.

It didn't take long to reach my house and park in the drive way next to my car. Sliding off the bike I head for the door all the while sliding the strap of the helmet free before unlocking the door and stepping inside. "Have you taken anything for your headache yet?" I jump a little at his voice in my ear not expecting him to be right behind me but quickly recover and nod. "The bartender gave me some Tylenol an hour ago but it still hasn't gone away yet." He shucks off his boots and his cut before looking at me and motioning towards the couch. "Sit ad we'll see what I can't do about it." I plop down on the couch and remove my shoes and lean back against the plush couch and close my eyes. A few moments later I feel a tugging on my braid startled I jerk forward only to have my head yanked back by my braid. "Easy, I'm just untying your hair so I can better massage your scalp." I relax and allow him to unwind my braid and spread my hair out.

Once he had my hair undone I felt my hair shift over my shoulders as his fingers dug into my scalp and rolled over the skin eliciting a moan from me. Once again my eyes flutter close and I sink into his touch nearly purring with pleasure as he works my scalp. I don't know how much time passed but in the moment I could care less as I felt the ache in my head ease slightly. When his fingers rub against a sensitive part I whimper and sit up only to hear a curse as my forehead connects with something. My eyes shooting open I turn around to see Gray staggering back gripping his nose with watery eyes. "Oh God, Gray I'm so sorry! Here let me see!" I lean over the back of my couch and tug at his wrist until finally he dropped his hand and I saw that there was a drop of blood leaking from his nose. I wipe it away feeling really bad and lean forward to gingerly to kiss the bridge of his nose the same moment he tilted his head back and our lips connected. I freeze for a long moment and go to pull back but in a split second Gray's big hand is wrapped around the back of my neck and pulling me closer to him.

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