~ Enough ~

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Jaeger's POV:

Rage like I'd never known flooded through me, eating up every cell that I possesed in my body as I shut the door behind the cops and turned to face Evie. She sat on the couch her head in her hands as she stared down at the floor. Not only had her home been violated not once but twice but whoever the fucker was that had emotionally and mentally drained her. I couldn't stand to see that look on her face. I wasn't an overly violent person but in the moment I wish I had the bastard who did this to her in front of me so that I could beat them senseless. I hated that I couldn't take away the memory of walking into the living room and seeing that piece of paper duct taped to the brick that had been thrown through her window. Whore. It made my blood boil just thinking about it. Walking over to her I schooled my expression into a calm and collected mask and crouched down in front of her. "Evie we need to talk." She didn't move at first but continued to stare at the floor. I waited patiently until she finally lifted her head and looked at me her expression emotionless and blank. "I think it would be best if you packed some clothes and stayed with your parents for a few days until I can get some security up and running." She stared at me for a long moment before shaking her head and lifting her chin. "No."

I wanted to growl and throw her over my shoulder and march to her parents' house but she wouldn't respond well to it. Instead I tried cajoling. "E listen to me for a second and don't look at me like that." She narrowed her eyes on me but didn't speak. "Whoever it is that's doing this to you knows every move you make inside this house. It's my job to ensure the safety of those around me. I've made a professional living out of it. I need you out of the house so that I can concentrate on securing the house and making sure it's safe for you." Even well after I leave. I didn't have to say it but it was implied and she knew what I was saying without actually having to say it. Again she shook her head at me her chin lifting stubbornly. "I'm not going to leave my home because some asshole wants to target me and throw bricks through my window." This time I did growl at her. Pulling her off the couch I tug her down to the spare bedroom and shoved the door open and pushed her into the room firmly. "Does this look like someone who's messing around, Evelyn?" I used her given name to show her exactly how serious I was in the moment. Someone was after her and I would not have something happening to her on my conscience whether she liked it or not. "Whoever this is that's doing this means business. I refuse to have something happen to you, not while I can do everything in my power to prevent it; like it or not." Her shoulders slumped in defeat at these words.

She was a silent for a long moment before she turned to me her eyes watery as she buried her head in my chest her words muffled as she said. "Why is this happening to me, Gray? What have I done to deserve this?" Her voice cracked and broke making my heart lurch in my chest. Closing one arm around her I lead her from the room shutting the door behind me. I lead her to the couch and pull her into my lap as I wrap my arms around her. Evie's shoulders shook as she cried into my shoulder her sobs muffed by the material of the shirt I'd slid on when the cops showed up. I felt wretched for being so harsh with her but she needed to open her eyes and see exactly how serious her situation was. Stalkers were dangerous, if they perceived the objects of their obsession were being turned from them they could become violent towards their obsessions. Some of them never got away from them and ended up six feet under. I didn't want that for her. I wanted her to live a long life and be happy. I didn't say a word I just let her sob while holding her my hands rubbing up and down her back soothingly. Eventually she stopped crying and looked at me her eyes red and swollen. Cradling her face in my hands I swiped the tear tracks from her face. Even with her face blotchy and red from tears she was still beautiful to me. 

Her hazel eyes were scared and I hated it. 

Someone should be able to eel safe in their own home rather than live in terror of what could happen. "I want you to really hear me when I say this Evie, I will do everything in my power to ensure that you're safe. Do you hear me?" Her chin wobbled but to her credit, didn't cry but lifted her chin and squared her shoulders. "I watched Sons of Anarchy so I've seen what outlaw bikers are aware of. But I've also done some research on your club specifically after we met West and Grace." I cock a brow at her and give her a crooked smile she used to love. "Oh yeah and what have you learned?" She stepped back again and grins at me. I know that you're club does a lot of charity work; family oriented. But given that you named yourself after a family oriented animal it stands to reason you take care of your own." My face drops at her words and serious tone. I shouldn't be surprised by any of it. Evie was intelligent and was big into animals and learned all she could about them.

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