~ The Diner ~

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Up top is Granny's Diner. Song is Gift of a Friend by Demi Lovato.... ENJOY! 

Evie's POV:

I couldn't believe how much Gray had changed over the years. He'd gone from the gangly boy with too big hands and feet to the muscled and tattooed man that had appeared to handle his parents' funeral arrangements. And was that a tongue piercing I caught a glimpse of earlier? He'd changed so much over the years that I didn't recognize him. It wasn't until he'd flashed me that dimple that I loved so much growing up that I knew for a fact that it was him. I felt the heat creep up on the back of my neck at the memory of the last night we were together. He'd been so sweet, tender even. Those big hands tracing every dip and curve of my teenaged body. I trembled at the thought and bit my lip sinking my teeth into the soft flesh. Stop thinking about it Evie! That was ten years ago it's time to move on from it. "Anyone ever tell you how cute you look when you bite your lip like that?" I let out a surprised squeal and jerk away from the brick wall and spin around to face Gray with a hand over my heart. 

I'd been so wrapped up in my thoughts that I even hear him come out. With my heart beating rapidly against my palm I swallowed hard and dropped my hand. He flashed me that dimple again and held up his hands. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. Things took less time then I thought they would." I swallow hard and nod before pushing my glasses back up my nose and give him a tentative smile. "Still hungry? It's my treat." He let's out a sound that could have been a growl before shaking his head. My shoulders slump in disappointment at the action feeling a little dejected. I bow my head and turn to leave when his words stop me dead in my tracks. "I asked you out for breakfast, Eve. I'll pay and don't think about arguing with me about it." I jerk my head up and look at him with wide eyes my mouth falling open a little as he approaches me. 

He reaches out with a hand and presses gently but firmly on my lower jaw until it closes. He grins and says in a teasing tone. "That's a good way to catch a fly." I blush and duck my head. "Come on let's go eat. I'm starving." I feel a gentle pressure on my shoulder prompting to move and I turn and head for my car that's parked in the shade. It wasn't much but it was reliable and paid for. I don't know what I was expecting but instead of getting in on the passenger side Gray walks over to the biggest motorcycle I've ever seen. My mouth pops open in surprise and let out a low whistle of appreciation. "Nice bike." Rather than respond verbally he winks at me before sliding his sunglasses back on and slips on a helmet on his head a cocky smile stretching across his face. Definitely not the boy I once knew. The man before me had a confidant swagger to him that the younger Grayson had lacked when he last left. The sudden throaty roar of the engine starting causes me to jump and prompt me to get into my car and start it up. 

He gestures for me to go first and I don't argue. 

Quickly pulling from the funeral home's parking lot I glance in my rear view mirror to see him following not far behind me. But what has my heart pounding hard in my chest is the familiar black car that falls into line behind him. I grip my steering wheel tightly to keep my hands from  shaking and force myself to concentrate on the road. Please God let it be a coincidence. I took a deep calming breath and focused on the road. I did my best not to think about the creepy activity that had been happening around me lately. A shiver runs down my spine  at the thought and I force it away. Deciding to listen to some music I switch it onto my favorite pop station and Demi Lovoto's voice fills the small space. By the time I reach Granny's all negative vibes had been washed away. I park and get out just in time to see Grayson remove his helmet and grin at me. I feel my  breath hitch almost painfully in my chest at the sight of it and have to force myself to look away even as heat suffuses the back of my neck.

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