~ Rage ~

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**WARNING THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS MATURE THEMES!** The song is The Kill by 30 Seconds To Mars.

Unknown's POV:

I watched as the police drag a screaming and struggling Nolan Guidry out of the diner and shoved into the back of a police car. From where I watched across the parking lot he didn't look any worse for the wear but the way his body angled to one side I saw that he had at least one busted rib. I had to hand it to that biker bastard, he knew where to hit him where it hurt. A few minutes later he comes out looking a little worse for the wear, his lip is busted and has a blooming bruise on his cheek. I hated that he was still upright and walking but that will change eventually; but for now I have a plan for getting rid of the competition. Pulling away from the scene I go back to work. When evening comes around I go to the police station and bail Nolan out and greet him with an amiable smile. I had to appear sympathetic while plotting silently in my own head. "Why did you bail me out? Do I know you?" I shake my head and shrug my shoulders. "You don't but I'm sympathetic to your plight. If you like I can take you to your vehicle while we chat." He gives me a look that makes me think he's going to refuse but he shrugs his shoulders and we head towards where my truck is parked and slide in. 

While he rants about the biker and Evelyn I listen and make all the right noises and say the right words of agreement but my mind is elsewhere. I'd gone back to check on her after an hour and there was a small cut on her cheek where she'd been struck along with a small bruise on her face. Just thinking about it sent that all too familiar rage build into a slow roiling boil in my veins but I remained calm while I drove. the last thing I wanted was to alert him to what was actually happening before I wanted him to know. In the pocket attached to my door is a syringe full of a horse tranquilizer that I brought along. As subtly as I could I reached for it and slid it so that it rested between my legs until I was ready for it. "I swear I will make that bitch pay for humiliating me. I'll teach her a lesson she won't soon forget!" I clenched my jaw hard until my back molars ground together but I said nothing as he continued to rant about his imagined slight. As we passed the diner he started to reach for the handle but I'd already removed the cap to the needle and had brought it up and plunged it into his neck it was the strongest one I could get my hands on and it only took a few minutes to take affect. When Guidry no longer made a sound and was a drooling mess in my passenger seat I headed for the warehouse district.

I park where anyone passing by can see and drag the inert form of Nolan Guidry out of my truck and into the warehouse where I had everything set up beforehand. I make sure he's strapped down and patiently wait for him to wake up two hours later. When he's fully conscious I beatific smile and approach the table. "What did you do to me? Where am I? Do you have any idea of who I am? Let me go damn you!" My smile never leaves my face as I begin to prepare my tools all the while the man on the table begins to rant and rave. Patiently I answer his questions one by one. "I gave you a horse tranquilizer to sedate you to ensure you didn't do anything I didn't want you to do. As for your location that is unimportant, at least to you. And as for who you are, I could care less. What you will become, however, is a different matter entirely." I don't bother acknowledge his demand to be let go as I've yet to begin. Picking up the tool that would hold his mouth open I insert it into his mouth and began to twist the handle until little by little his jaw was stretched so wide that with an audible crack his jaw became dislocated and hung at a strange angle. While it stayed in place I picked up the scalpel I brought with me and pulled at his tongue with my free hand. He began to thrash and scream but there would be no one around.

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