~ Dancing ~

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The song is Tupelo Honey by Wayne Toups.... enjoy!

Jaeger's POV:

I know what I did wasn't the right way to go about doing it but I needed Evie away from the diner while I took a look at the security system. When I get to the diner I asked Leah to show me where everything was she was all too happy to do so while jabbering away of all the times that something had happened in the diner the footage was grainy and barely discernable. I scowl at the ancient set up and scrubbed a hand over my face shaking my head. Leaving the tiny closet sized room set up for it I place a quick call to the Dawson's. I explain what happened the day before and stressed how badly their equipment needed to be replaced. After some wheedling they finally agreed to let me replace their security systems. After some phone calls to the parent company in San Antonio and told them what I needed they actually started laughing at me when I told them I needed them shipped express over night. That was until I told them that I was their boss and would have the fucker's job if he didn't do his damned job. I didn't have to flex my authority often but there are times where it was necessary.

After leaving the diner I head to the store and grab some supplies and stuff them away in my saddle bags for later. Checking the time I manage to just make it back to pick up Evie and settle the bill. When I caught sight of her coming in from the back I felt my breath hitch a little painfully in my chest. She looked like she was glowing, and that smile of her's.... Hot  damn! I needed to adjust myself from the hard on that was growing but I couldn't do it in front of everyone. Shifting my stance try to alleviate the pressure I return her smile. "You ready to go? Still got something else in mind before we head home." Her eyes widen as she looks at me and shakes her head. "Gray, no. You can't keep doing this you already spent--" My brows raise at her words daring her to say anything further. I lived a simple life at the compound and had far too much money then I really needed so dropping a couple thousand dollars on someone I cared about wasn't exactly making sweat bullets. Fortunately or her though what I had in mind was inexpensive and only required some bug spray and an old blanket which I have neatly folded on my saddle bag with a light picnic. It wasn't exactly original but I wanted to finish off the day with something simple. Evie huffs and shakes her head at me before before grabbing the helmet I held out to her and buckling it beneath her chin before getting on the bike behind me. With a snarl of the motor we take off and head to an old haunt of ours when we were teenagers. 

About an hour later I hear Evie laugh as we park and I shut off the bike. "Gray what are you up to now?" Removing my helmet I wink at her and run my fingers through my hair trying to smooth it out before grabbing the bag of sacks and the blanket from the saddle bags. "Continuing with Relaxation Day. I figured we'd hang out for a bit before we head back to the house." While doing my running earlier in the day I'd gotten a phone call from the lawyer saying that he had the copy of my parents' will. I told him that I wasn't interested in anything  left behind but he'd insisted saying that it was the law and he was required by it to ensure I got everything entitled to me. Personally if I had it my way I'd burn it to the ground and roast marsh mellows over the flames. As if sensing my shift in mood Evie stepped closer to me and grasped my hand and gave it a squeeze. She didn't say anything but gave me a look that had me smiling back down at her. She always had the uncanny knack of knowing when some thing was bothering me. I give her a strained smile of my own as we walk to the spot where we used to swim all the time as kids. "Thank you for this, Gray. I know that it can't be easy being here." Here meaning in the city that held some of my worst nightmares. That pessimistic voice in the back of my head piped up sneering at me. I pushed it away and winked at Evie. "Being back here hasn't been nearly as hard as I thought it would be, I've had some really good memories here too."

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