Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


Hannah's POV:

I trudged to Drama class surprisingly early, and asked the teacher, Mr. McArvy where my seat would be, and I got a seat in the front next to a brunette girl and another blonde girl.

I set my bag down infront of my chair, and crossed my legs. Did I mention there were no desks in this class?

The late bell rang, and Mr. McArvy stood up, ready to take roll until the door open. Please don't be Niall.

"Late Mr.Tomlinson" Spat Mr. McArvy. 

"Whatever" Tomlinson spat, and took his seat behind me. 

I swallowed my lump in throat. Please don't bother me.

I could have sworn I remembered him some where. Oh yeah! He's Niall's friend. I could have felt my heart stop for a second.

Niall's friend. Shit.

"Okay so today class, we will start characterlization." Mr.McArvy began. I tried to pay attention, but the sound of Tomlinson's phone buzzing over and over again got on my nerves.

I was second guessing myself if I should turn around and tell him something, but someone grabbed my arm. I looked up to see the brunette shaking her head. "Don't" She whispered. "That's Louis. He'll give you hell if you tell him anything" She whispered.

I nodded, "Thanks" I smiled. "Welcome" She smiled, "I'm Jesy" She smiled, "I'm Hannah" I introduced. "I know" She smiled.

My face turned into confusion. She knew?

"Everyone knows who you are. You slammed your locker in Horan's face this morning. It was hilarious. I'm surprised he hasen't given you hell yet." She chuckled. 

Fear shaded my green eyes. Giving me hell? 

"You should be careful how you talk to them. There pretty bad ass." The blonde girl popped in. "I'm Perrie" She smiled. "I'm-" I almost began.

"I know" She interuppted. Well shit. Does everyone know my name?

"I like your accent too" Perrie complimented. 

"Ladies, something you'd like to share with the class, eh?" Mr.McArvy's Irish accent bounced across the drama classroom.

"Yes, Actually Mr.McArvy!" Jesy jumped up. "We were showing our new little American friend, Hannah, life here in Ireland. Now, if that is such a big problem, we wouldn't want to her lost here in this country of Ireland, would we?" Her British accent spoke.

"Well, I suppose you do have a point" The teacher said.

"I always do." Jesy smirked and sat back down.

Mr. McArvy continued his lesson, and Jesy turned to me. "Lunch is 4th period. Do you wanted to sit with us?" 

"Sure, but I sorta promised this girl, Allana I would sit with her." I said.

"Oh its fine, She sits with us. We also sit with our friend Leigh-Anne, you'll love her. At lunch we'll give you the map of the cafeteria, and tell you about everyone." Perrie said.

I nodded, and smiled. I'm being a very social person. I thought I was going to be shy.

"What's your next period?" Jesy asked. "Uh..." I trailed off and pulled my schedule out of my bag.

"History" I replied.

"Ooooh" Jesy and Perrie trailed off, having a sorry look on their face.

"What?" I asked getting nervous, and bite my lip.

"Niall, Zayn, and Harry are in that class. Nobody knows how. But they got into advanced placement classes. They never do their work, but I guess they always pass their exams. It's like they try to be dumb, but at the end it comes back and bites their teachers ass." Perrie explained.

"'Excuse me, ladies, I think your talking about my friends" Louis butt in.

"S-Sorry" All of us stuttered.

"Better fucking be" Louis spat, as the bell rang.

I quickly got up and picked up my bag. "See you at lunch, yeah?" I asked. They nodded and I was off to find my next period. 

This 'ought to be good.


Trying as hard as I can to update xx Keep voting and liking! It gives me motivation c: xx

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