Chapter 24

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Chapter 24


I looked up and gasped. The hooked phone fell from my hands, as before I could scream, and cloth covered my mouth, and I began to feel light headed. The bystanders were to busy to notice anything that was happening into the telephone booth.

I felt my eyelid's get heavy, as I passed out.

I knew I was getting kidnapped. I at least didn't think it would be this guy.

I slowly woke up in the back seat of a sports car. I gasped and sat up, remembering the events that happened in the telephone box. "Scream and I'll stop the car and shoot you." The criminal at the wheel spoke.

"....Why?" I asked, looking up at him through the review mirror, "Out of all people... You..." I breathed out.

I looked down at the floor and saw my shopping bags all there... How peculiar.

The thought jumped in my mind, I still had Niall's phone! I need to call anyone of the boys as soon as possible. The thought of them doing something to me made me grow nervous, and brought chills up my spin.

I looked out the window, seeing as the sun was in the air, and it was midday. I saw that we were on the motorway, and cars were trailing behind, and beside the car. If I only if I could break the window and ask for help... Wait... If I got to be in the trunk, I could kick the tail light out and he wouldn't know...

I'm not sure if this will work... But it is worth the try... I started to bang on the window, 'trying' to get people's attention, but I know this to well, the window's are tinted.

"Nice try." He said, as I could see the smirk in him saying that.

I kept on doing it though, and finally he turned off the motorway, and found an abandon gas station, and like I planned, he threw me in the trunk. I mentally crossed me fingers, and prayed to god that this idea would work.

Once I heard the engine start, I pulled out Niall's phone, to see barely any reception, but anything will do right now.

I found Zayn's contact, and dialed him, pressing the phone to my ear, and gulping. It took the phone a second to connect, but when it finally did, it took one ring for Zayn's voice to leave the receiver.

"Where are you!?" He shouted at the phone. "Z-Zayn..." I whispered. "I think they got me..." I said, as I felt the air becoming tight in the trunk.

"Who!? Just tell us and we'll come find you." Zayn replied, as I heard all the boys shouting and getting angry, especially Niall. They felt like they failed, and I don't blame them, because so did I.

"I-I just..." I said, as my breathing got heavier. 

"Gimme That!" I heard Niall's voice, as it switched from Zayn to Niall.

"Kick the back lights out, to get air, and tell us where you are, and who took you." Niall ordered.

I did what he said, and kicked out the tail out, which made a thumping noise on the asphalt, making cars stop.

"Who took you!?" Niall's voice yelled, as I heard shuffling.

The car came to stop. He found out I kicked it...

"Sam..." I finished.

The trunk opened, and Sam started to yell at me, and grabbed me out of the trunk, as he threw the phone on the ground, shattering it inside and out.

This will not end well...

I know it.


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