Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


I quickly walked over to Mr. McArvy's class, before the bell rang. I passed by Niall and his friends, I didn't dare to steal to take a glance. I walked in and set my stuff down, getting more furious. "Ugh" I groaned in my hands. "What's wrong, babe?" Perrie asked.

"Allana is pissing me the fuck off" I spat. "What happened?" Jesy asked. "She keeps on getting her nose in my business on what happened with Niall and she keeps on telling me the same damn thing over and over again. Like shut the fuck up, I've heard it before." I explained.

Jesy and Perrie took a glance at each other, as their face contorted to shock and confusion. Jesy nudged Perrie, signalling her to speak up. "You know, Hannah, Allana is just trying to be a friend..." Perrie trailed. "But Hannah... There is something you should know..." I looked up from hands. "What?"

"Allana, she-" Jesy began, but then door opened for the class, and Allana came in with her stuff. "Ms. Greene sent me out for be a disruption" She said, and took an empty seat near.

"I'll tell you after school" Jesy whispered towards me. What did Jesy want to tell me? I gulped at the feeling. Jesy and Perrie both had a look of confusion on their face. Were they not sure on what they wanted to tell me? Well, shit, if it was Allana, I would think twice on what I would say about her. She like a lunatic. I'm starting to question our friendship.

I pulled out a sheet of paper out of my notebook, and wrote silently on it, while Mr. McArvy was teaching. 'Do you really care what happened between me and Niall?' I folded it up, and passed it to Jesy. She unrolled it and read it carefully. She sighed, and took her pencil, and wrote on it, and passed it to me.

'I'm not sure. I know your a smart girl, and you wouldn't put yourself up there like most girls here would for Niall. I just don't want Niall pressuring you into anything.' I read the cursive writing scribbled down on the small piece of paper. I just gave Jesy a reassuring smile.

I could feel Allana's eyes piercing into my back. I didn't want to start anything. Just breathe and ignore. I drifted off into a hard thought. Niall was bad news. Everyone is right. He bangs any girl he wants. Smokes weed, and parties. He's not my type. Especially with a religious mum. Well... Sorta. But I know she would not approve of Niall even if we were just friends. But lets get real, we'll never be friends.

I got interuppted from my thoughts when a hand was on my shoulder. I jumped, and let out a small squeal from fear. I looked up to see Niall. His eyebrow pericing contorted from confusion. "I need my jacket back at the end of the day." He said. I nodded, "Y-Yeah, Okay" I said, and looked down.

I finally looked up to see Perrie and Jesy staring at me. I shrugged, I didn't even know why he just came up to me now.

The day carried on towards lunch. I walked in the cafeteria to walk towards my table. As my vision focused on the table, I saw Allana bitching, and Perrie, Jesy, and Leigh-Anne just looking at her, not knowing what to do.

I sat down inbetween Jesy and Perrie, as Allana grew silent. She couldn't make it anymore obvious she was talking about me. 

"So how's it going guys?" I asked trying to bring up a conversation. "Eh, Nothing really" Perrie responded.

It grew quiet again. It got my heart racing. Did Allana say something about me? Leigh-Anne gave me a look of symphaty Oh lord, Allana did. I want to reach over a ring her right now.

"So, A new resturant is opening Sunday morning, Wanna go?" Leigh-Anne asked me. "Oh, I can't, My grandma wants to start taking me to church." I responded, and took a sip of juice.

"Oh" Leigh-Anne said. "There's a party on Saturday..." Leigh-Anne added. "Can't. I don't really party. Plus, I don't think my mum would let me go" I replied.

Suddenly, I got a tap on my shoulder, as I turned around. "What, Sam?" I rolled my eyes. 

"I know we got off on the wrong foot, with me younger, but give me a chance! Take me to that party tonight, and we get to know each other!" He begged. 

"Are you just asking me so you can get into that party?" I raised my eyebrow. "NO-" He began, but what supposivaly had to be his friend, came up. "Mate, did she say yes so we can party?" He asked. 

"Mhm." I sassed, and turned back around. "Please!" He begged. "Would you please leave me alone?" I asked. I heard a growl under his breathe. "Fine" He spat. I heard his footsteps walk behind me, and he was releasing swear words from his mouth left and right.

"Awkward" Perrie breathed out.

The lunch bell rang, and I got up and walked to the next period.  I was still curious on what Perrie and Jesy had to tell me on Allana. Maybe she was bipolar. Mental hospital maybe? I know I sound a little cruel, but she might be a lunatic. I knew that if this was bothering me, The day will turn out to be slower.

And that was exactly what it was.

The only reason reason they couldn't tell me in class, is because they do not want Allana finding out. I understood that, but who cares? Allana needs to learn a little thing about school.

The school day came to close as I was standing at my locker waiting for Jesy and Perrie. Allana walked passed me, not saying anything, trying to blend in with the kids. 

Niall then approached me, with his black shades covering his eyes. "I need my jacket." He said. I lifted the comfortable sweatshirt over my head, and handed him the cotton. He stared at me for a second, and then turned back around, and walked away with his mates.

I shrugged, as the kids of the school were staring at me. I shrugged them off too.

Finally, came up Jesy and Perrie. "Okay, so tell me now?" I asked.

Perrie and Jesy glanced at each other and looked around, and pulled me closer. "You will not tell Allana we told you this" Perrie said, looking deep in my eyes. I nodded.

"Well... Hannah this is hard." Jesy breathed out. "If Allana finds out we told us, our ass is on the line" 

"You guys know I wouldn't tell..." I said, getting more worried, as my heart started to race.

"Hannah..." Perrie began.

"Allana has a crush on Niall. And she's jealous of you, and she's trying to ruin your chances with him."



Yes, I know i'm late, but i have reasons! It was my birthday and after my weekend birthday, I needed to study for tests and exams. I will try and post more often x :)

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