Chapter 19

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Chapter 19


"I'll do it." I breathed out. "I'm sure."  

"Turn your phone off after this phone call and leave it at home. They can't find us." Niall said, as I heard a car turn on, "don't bring anything they can track you with." Niall instructed, and ended the phone call. I turned my phone off and set it on the bedside table. I glanced at the clock, Midnight, Mother and Grandmum had to be asleep by now.

I got a small carry on backpack, and filled it with books, my laptop, and a couple other needs. I decieded I would leave my mother a note, for her not to worry about me, I mean, this is my choice after all. 

I tore out a piece of paper out of my school notebook and a pen lying around, and clicked it, and began writing.

'Dear mum and grandmum,

I have decided to go away for awhile. Trust me, I'm okay. I just need to get away from everything, and I need to take a breather. The last couple of weeks have been very stressful, and to me, the only solution is to just go away from it. I know it seems that I am running away from my problems, but this is for the better. Please pass this note to the girls, and explain to them everything that happened. I will try and call from where I am at soon

Love, Hannah'

I placed the note on the bedside table next to my phone, and zipped up my backpack, placing it over my shoulders. I pushed the curtain open, and was face to face to Niall, making me almost shriek, but I placed my hand over my mouth, and then over my heart. "Niall, You scared me!" I stage whispered to him.

"Next time don't open the curtain so fast." He replied, as he climbed through the window. I looked out, and saw the boys in a few cars. 

"Are you positive now? This is your last time to back out." Niall said, walking infront of me, looking down at me. I looked up and took a deep breathe, inhaling his scent. "I-I"

"If your having second thoughts, then I'm not going to let you go with us." Niall told me. "No!" I intertuppted. "N-No, I want too. I need to get away from everything right now.

"Hannah, Your not getting away from your problem, we are your problem." Niall chuckled, bringing my suitcase to his grasp. "Oh hush." I told him, turning on the beside lamp, and turning off the light in my room. Niall went down the ladder with the suitcase, and I followed after him, closing the window, and walked to the car with him.

He placed my suitcase in the trunk, and got into the drivers seat, as I got into the passengers seat. Liam was in the passengers seat, gving me a look of death. I turned back into my seat, and placed my seat belt on. The smell of smoke, sex, and alchoal filled the air. Liam brought out a cigarette to his lips, and blowing the smoke out of the window. 

"Niall, What are you going to do about the cars?" I asked, peaking at the review mirror, seeing the rest of the boys in the Range Rover behind us. 

"Don't worry. We got it taken care of." He replied. I looked at him, noticing how his eyebrow moves as he concentrates on the road in front of him, and how he bites his lip ring every once in while like it bothers him. I let my eyes wonder down his tattoo's down his arms, as one hand held the steering wheel, and his other arm where his arm rests between the middle of us.

We arrived at the airport an hour an half later, and parked in the parking garage. We got out of the car, getting our things, and walked over to the elevator to enter the airport. I didn't speak or say anything, I felt as if this wall my fault. Well, Yes it was my fault! I told on them, and now they have to leave the country! I don't even know if I can keep my own name anymore!

The elevator doors opened and we made our way to the airport terminal, and got out ticket scanned and made our way through secruity.

When we boarded the plane, I sat down by the window, Niall next to me, and Liam next to him. I hadn't had said word the whole journey while at the airport. I hate the feeling when you think everything is your fauly. Well everything is my fault.

The captain annonced that we would be arriving to London in an hour and half, at six in the morning presisly. I leaned back into my chair, just looking out the window, admiring the lights of Dublin as we took off of the runway south into England.

Niall leaned back, and closed his eyes. I would be lying if I said he didn't look adorable. I quickly turned my head to look out the window once I noticed Liam caught my gaze on Niall. I felt a blush creep up cheek and I didn't turn back around. I heard faint snores coming from Niall, as I turned back to look over at him sleeping peacefully.

Liam was dozing away beside him, and I looked behind me and saw Zayn and Harry asleep. Louis met my eyes, he just looked at me. We stared at each other for a little bit, as he looked away, back down onto the weird gadget he was holding onto, and searching through, and scanning what appeard to be British Driver's ID's.

I turned back around, and setteled back into the chair. Niall's head leaned onto the side, and fell gently onto my shoulder. I ran my hand carefully through his blonde and gold locks. 

I didn't know what to expect in London. 

Like Niall said...

Its starting a new life.





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