Chapter 20

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Chapter 20


After we landed in London, We left the Airport, and saw a black SUV parked in front of the airport. Niall gave me his sunglasses. "Wear them, You have too." He said, as he pulled his hood over his face, as the boys all had sunglasses on.

I shrugged and put it on, and Niall wrapped his jacket around me, and put me into the backseat of the Cadillac. If we were running away, why was their a car waiting for us? The trunk shut closed, and a man in a suit and sunglasses got into the drivers seat as all the boys climbed into the back.

"We got her." Louis said into his phone. My eyebrow raised in confusion, I was the only girl in the car. What did he mean? I thought we were supposed to leave our things behind that could get us caught. Especially Louis, He shot me, and wasn't the police after him?

As we drove past the Big Ben and the London Eye I looked in amazement. I've been to London before, but I was just a mere child, I don't really remember much of anything.

As I noticed we driving farther away from town, we pulled up into a gigantic building, with security guards at the front, and surrounding the place. "Niall?" I looked up at him, getting kind of freaked out on what was going on.

"Hm?" He met his eyes with mine. "Where are we...?" I whispered. 

"You'll find out soon." Niall said, and directed his attention back to Louis who was still going over his weird gadget thing. The car pulled up in front of the gigantic building, and tall-built police looking men opened the car door, and the boys went out, Niall held out his hand to help me out of the car, and kept me walking in front of him.

I was so confused right now. I chose not to argue with anything right now, as I remembered when I was just a turned thirteen my dad told me to stay calm in life or death situations.

The walk took ages throughout the enormous building, as I was quiet frightened to all the security following us, with big weapons and blank expressions on their face.

We finally approached a room, and they unlocked the door revealing a room with a table and chairs, which had to be an interviewing room. They guided me into the room, and I took a seat where they placed me at the chair at the end.

Niall sat down to my right, and Louis to my left, and everyone else piled in, leaving a chair at the end of the long table, which I was guessing we were waiting the person to arrive.

"Hannah." Niall said, as I looked up and met his eyes. "I know your worrying, but I need you to calm down, were about to explain everything. Just relax." He said, and I could have I sworn his hand brushed against mine.

The door opened, and a middle aged man, surrounded by security walked in, and placed himself onto the chair. "Hello, Hannah." He said, looking me dead in my eyes, causing a shiver to crawl up my spine.

"Who are you?" I asked, looking up from the table. He reached into his shirt pocket and grabbed a badge. "Agent Johnson." He responded putting his identity back into his shirt pocket. "Where am I?" I asked firmly.

"Witness Protection." He responded, as what I presumed was his assistant walked into the dimly lit room, as she handed him a folder, and turned to walk out. Her heels clicked against the floor, and swayed her hips back and worth and gave Niall a wink, as she walked out. I felt jealously twist in my stomach as Niall gave her a smirk. 

No, Now is not the time for jealously. Niall is somebody I didn't know anymore. 

"Why am I here?" I asked. Why was I in Witness Protection? Why would a girl like me be in danger of harm? 

"Reilly Johnson..." Agent Johnson responded, sliding the file down the table, and I stopped it with my hand. Everyone was looking at me, as I took my shaking hand, and carefully opened the file, seeing all these numbers and names, and a picture of my dad.

"That's my dad..." I said, meeting Agent Johnson's eyes. "And his name isn't Reilly... It's Cory Murray..." I explained, growing un easy. The whole room let out a few chuckles, as I felt my cheeks grow red.

"That's what he wants to you think. Tell me, Hannah, Has your mum told you why your father and her split?" Agent Johnson clicked his pen, leaning back into his chair. 

"That's not any of your business." I hissed. It was true, he didn't need to know about the divorce of my parents, That doesn't matter to him.

"Oh but yes it does." He glared at me. "There was a specific reason why your mum left your dad, and took you. Your mum took you out in the middle of the school year, wouldn't have she waited until you finished up the year? The fighting, that you couldn't understand? Hannah there is a reason your in protection." He finished. "Look through the file." He said, flicking his hand, making me flip through the pages.

 My eyes widen at all the crime printed out in the page. Tears swelled into my eyes, as pity set throughout my body. "W-What does this have to do with me?" I questioned, and quickly blinked away the tears in my eyes. 

"There really is no easier way to tell you this, Hannah, But the people your father is working with, their out to get you, in revenge. Plus, Your father is basically a criminal. This is why your here. I sent the best agents out to get you, and they didn't let me down. Thank you, lads." Agent Johnson said, standing up. 

"Now, Come with me." He instructed, as I follow behind him, as I was surrounded by security. I was shaking, as I wrapped Niall's jacket around my body tighter, trying to comfort myself with his scent that lingered onto the jacket.

We approached a door that looked similar to the meeting room we were just in. Security opened the door, and Agent Johnson, Myself, Niall and the boys came into the room, and Security closed the door behind us, leaving the rest of the guards behind the door.

I looked up and saw my dad sitting on the chair. "Hannah..." He spoke out in disbelief. "Cory." I spat. "Don't call me by my name." He said strictly. "No, I will, why? Your not a dad. What dad keeps this away from his own daughter?" I said, as tears threatened to fall from my eyes.

"It's your fault I'm in this protection program. It's your fault I'm going to get chased, and I didn't even do anything, Yet here I am!" I explained. "I'm done." I said, looking at Agent Johnson, as tears fell from my eyes, and I turned to the door, and walked out.

I ignored security and everyone trying to call for me, I lost them, and ended up in one of the break rooms. I sat down on the black leather sofa, and placed Niall's hoodie over my head, and fell to the side of the couch, tucking my legs in, letting all the emotions that was gradually built up in my body over time out, as I felt hand wrap around my waist, startling me.

I turned my head and saw Niall giving me a comforting look. I turned my body, and leaned into him, letting my tears out onto his black shirt, as he rubbed my back, not saying anything, but rest his head on top of mine.

"I-I just don't understand, why?" I questioned, whipping away the tears from under my eyes, and looking up to meet his eyes. "I really can't tell you why, love, but it happened." Niall responded, giving me a little squeeze.

A question popped into my head, well... Questions...


Dedicated to: jlazyb25 for the idea for my writers block x

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