Chapter 17

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Chapter 17


It has been three days. School was quiet nerve wracking. The boys have eyed me with every move I made. They watched me at my locker, they watch me get into my mum's car, They watch at me lunch, They watch my every step. They really are demanding this backpack by their eyes. 

It was the end of the day Wednesday, when I was at my locker, putting this away, and then my locker slammed closed and their was Niall, and his friends behind him, with a displeasing look on their face. Well... More like anger. "Where's the backpack?" He hissed.

My face was still turned to my closed locker. I didn't dare to turn and face them. The hallway's noise was fading, as students were in a rush to get home, leaving a few students who walked home, and us. The hallway felt suffocating, being near them. I was small and defenseless, I was about as scary as a puppy.

I had to stand my ground though. To be honest, I wasn't handing them the backpack at school. Are they fucking nuts? I could get expelled, or worse, Arrested. "If you want your bag you get it in person, Outside of school. I will not get arrested or expelled over your stupid mistake on collecting that bag filled with weapons, drugs, and money. And you broke into my house! I should have called the police. You could have at least did it neatly!" I spat, moving my gaze to finally meet Niall's eyes.

He backed me up into the lockers, looking down at me. I tensed up, uncomfortable, possibly scared. "I'll be outside your window in an hour. Be there, Or I swear to god i'll start with your little friends." He threatened me, and pushed off of me, and turned around walking out of the school corridors. 

I sighed, grabbing my backpack, throwing it over my shoulder, walking the other direction to the west side of the school corridors to get to the far side of student pick up, to see my mother impatiently waiting inside her car. I got in, putting on the seat belt.

"You scared me, Hannah! I was about to go into the school myself! What took so long!?" She asked worriedly, pulling away from the parking space, and onto the main rode home. "I-I, My locker was jammed" There goes another lie.

"It must have been really jammed" She said, amused on how long I took. "Oh, and I met up with some friends before I left" Maybe more detail will make it more believable. But that wasn't a complete lie was it? I mean, sure they wern't my friends, but they were at my locker.

I looked at the time on my phone, seeing I has thirty minutes. It sucked that this stupid backpack ruined Niall and I. It wasn't even my fault! I just got shoved towards the backpack and I made a run for it to save my life, now not only am I trying to save my ass, I have to save my family and my friends. This is too much. What do they want with me?!

We drove up my street, and I saw Niall's Range Rover, and the boys seated in it. My eyes widen, as my breathe hitched in my throat. My mum looked over at me, "Are you alright, dear?" She asked me. I nodded my head a little to fast, "Yeah." I responded, and went back onto my phone, opening my phone to text me friend in America.

'I think I'm about to go through hell and back.' I watched as the message sent on the screen. I remembered the time difference from Ireland and LA, and put my phone back into my pocket, and I looked up to see my mum pulled into the driveway, and shut off the engine.

I picked up my backpack, and exited her automobile and into the house. "Mum, I'll be in room studying and doing homework, Don't disturb me, please?" I asked turning to looking at her while she was putting her coat on the rack.

"Sure honey." She said. I raced up the stairs and shut and locked my bedroom door. I sighed, and knew the boys were going to come. My heart raced, as I slowly walked over to my closet, and pulled out the heavy backpack from the shelf. I opened my curtain and looked down, and screamed.

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