Chapter 16

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Chapter 16


I woke up in bed, sweating and breathing heavily from the night mare that occurred to me, about Niall. I looked at the alarm clock to see it 5 AM, and I ran a hand through my hair. I sighed. Why does this have to happen me? 

I climbed out of my bed, and went into the en suite bathroom, and stripped from Niall's clothes. I turned on the water, and stepped into the steamy tub. I sighed, as the boiling water touched my cold skin. I ran the water under my hair, and washed it. I just stood in the shower, thinking about the current events. What stuck to me was why that man gave me the bag? I mean, was it to piss Niall off? Harry and Zayn know I have the bag, they obviously know whats inside of it. My eyes widen when I remembered Niall knows where I live. I gulped, he wouldn't break into my house for a bag, would he? I'm pretty sure he knows that I already looked in it, who wouldn't. I pushed the thought out of my head, and turned off the water. I stepped out of the shower, drying myself off, putting on a pink sleeved dress that reached past my knees, thick white tights, and beige flats.

I left the bathroom, closing the door behind me, seeing it was 6 AM. I looked to my right, seeing the hallway light on glowing from under the door. It must be my grandmother that's awake. 

I left my room and trailed down the stairs quietly, and walked into the kitchen to find my grandmother sipping on a small glass of tea as she looked up at me, "Good morning." She smiled. "Good morning" I replied, taking out a small cup, pouring some of the left over tea, sitting at the table across from her. "What are you doing up early?" She asked me.

I sighed, "Just thinking, Grandmum." I stirred my tea, leaning my head on my hand with my elbow resting on the table. "Is something wrong, love?" She asked, setting down the glass onto the white wooden table. I sighed again, "Nan, What do you do when you like a guy, but you know you shouldn't, and everyone will judge you if you dated that guy?" 

"Well, Love shouldn't matter on what everyone thinks, love is what you feel with your heart." She responded, giving me a warm smile, "I remember my days growing up with all the boys. Oh the rush of being young." She finished.

Time went on and it was time for church. My nan, mum, and I piled into mum's car as she started to drive to the church. As we drove up the street, My eyes landed on a black Range Rover pulled over on the side of the street. My breath hitched in my throat, as my mum drove past the vehicle, and I could of sworn I saw all five of the boys through the extremely tinted window. 

No, I'm being paranoid. It's just my imagination. Suddenly the Range Rover pulled out and started to trail behind us. I gulped, No, Stop thinking about it. My eyes kept flickering to the review mirror, getting a clear view on the drive. My heart dropped, it was Niall.

My eyes widen, as I wanted to scream as loud as I can, I wanted to run away, and never look back, I wish I never moved to Mullingar.

The drive seemed longer than five minutes, my eyes kept on looking in the review mirror, seeing Niall and his friends. Why do they want to follow me to church!?

Mum pulled up to the church, and I turned around not seeing the car anymore. I looked around confused. "Hannah, Sweetie?" My mother called me out of trance of confusion. 

I followed my mum and my nan into the large church as we took our seats to begin by praying.

I decided to go to the confessional, as my mother thought I was confessing that I snuck out without her knowing, but their was so much more. 

I stepped into the confessional box, and sat down, awaiting the pastor. After his instructions, I spoke. "Forgive me father, for I have sinned. I have been lying to my loved ones for my actions, I have been to parties, I have snuck out of my house, I hold items I shouldn't be holding." I confessed.

After being forgiven by the pastor, I thanked him, and exited the confessional, feeling better about myself, but still bothered by Niall. I saw my mother and my nan waiting for me, having a sly smile on their face, as we walked out into the parking lot of the church, and started to head home.

As we were driving, I noticed that we were not followed by Niall this time, as I sighed in relief. Once we got home, I went up to my room, and gasped. The window lock was broken, everything was out of place, as if someone searched through my things. Niall broke into my room trying to find the bag. I knew it. 

If I was smart, I would call the police, but I knew it wasn't safe. Niall could have hit men after me if I did that. I quickly shut the curtain, and went to the back of my closet, seeing the bag there. I quickly unzipped it, seeing everything in it's place. They didn't find it.

I moved over to my desk, seeing a note laying flat on the wood. I picked it up, and read it.

'Bring us the bag. You have three days to bring it at Niall's or we take your friends and your family. Then they'll discover who you really hang out with. Oh and don't try to call the police. I'm sure you don't want to end up like everyone else that has. Were watching you. -Harry' I gulped and looked through the see through curtain. I'm going to be paranoid everyday.

What kind of sick person takes my family. I crumpled the note in my tightly closed fist. If Niall wants his bag, he needs to come and face me in person to get it.


Thank you for 30,000+ Reads! :) You guys are so amazing!

*And sorry if anyone did a confessional and I did it wrong, I've never gone to church, so I wouldn't know what they do.

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