Chapter 22

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Chapter 22


I walked down the stairs, and took the walk to the dining room, seeing Nando's bags scattered around the table. I awkwardly stood by the door way, not quite sure what I needed to do. "Sit" Harry nodded to the chair next to Niall's.

I nodded, and quietly sat down next to Niall, and Harry slid the plate towards me, and I picked up the fork and ate. The boys were chatty about something, and I was zoning out on the conversation about someone who works with them.

I didn't say much, only nodding or shaking my head, or a little "No" or "Yes" That came out as a whisper. 

After dinner, Louis and Harry took the plates to the kitchen, and only Niall, Zayn, and Liam were in the conversation about something. Louis and Harry came back with tea, and gave the boys and me some steaming tea.

I raised my eyebrows in confusion. Wouldn't they drink beer or some type of alcohol? I guess the boys caught my confusion, because next thing I knew, I hear "Is their a problem?" Liam asked.

"Oh uh..." I said, jumping a little at the sudden burst, feeling my cheeks burn up and blush creep across it. The boys kept on staring at me, waiting for an answer. I guess now was the time I get my answers. "Well I figured since back in Ireland, you guys were like... Bad boys? You would drink alcohol, so this confuses me..." I replied.

They let out a chuckle, which made my confusion more skeptical. "Listen babe, we don't drink or smoke all the time. We're regular human beings too." Niall said, taking a drink from his tea. 

"Can I have answers?" I asked, cupping the warm ceramic glass around my hands. "About what?" Zayn answered, setting down his cup. It was finally my turn to chuckle, "Everything. Have you been watching me my whole life? How did you find me? How did everyone pull off your identity?" I questioned.

"Well... We didn't watch you your whole life. I started the Witness Protection when I was 16. That's when I met Liam and Zayn, and we were assigned to be partners. They then realized how serious your case was after a few months, and that's when Harry came into the program, and Louis was assigned to be the leader since he's been in the Witness Protection for the most time. We found out all the information of your dad, and who has been working with him. We then investigated that you were moving, because of your safety, well Ireland isn't so safe anymore. Everyone is under cover there, such like us, and at any given moment, catch you, and take you back in captivity. That's why your here now under our watch. Nobody can take you while your here in London." Niall answered, taking a sip of his tea, and then setting it back down.

I didn't respond to the answer he gave me. It surprised me how well the Witness Protection knew about me, and about my family. They knew I was coming to Mullingar. They follow me and played as bad boy teenage boys; Not that arn't still bad boys. No wonder they are in the witness protection, I wouldn't have known that they were agents. I would have still kept my mind on dangerous drug dealing punk boys.

I let the boys, or shall I say, Agents, continue on their conversation, as I took their tea cups to the kitchen. The kitchen looked so modern, and I was mesmerized of how futuristic it looked. I then turned my attention to the sink, and saw the dishes stacked up. I felt a pit in my stomach, making me want to clean it; I was their guest right? I'll be living with them so why not?

I made my way over the dishes and opened the dish washer, and cleaned off the plates, and neatly placed them in the rack, and closing it. I brushed my hand through my hair, and sighed, taking in my new surroundings once again.

I didn't know how long I could be living here. It could be weeks, months, possibly years. I shivered at the thought, not wanting to really be here for most of my life. My thoughts returned to my mother and my friends, possibly worrying about me. To be honest, I didn't want them too. Maybe it was better to leave, and not be a nuisance; especially to my friends.

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