Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


I groaned, as a loud IPhone blared in my ears. I shifted in the black duvet, and squinted my eyes. I hit snooze and turned towards the wall and hugged the duvet tighter around me and got into fetal position to close my eyes, and drift back to sleep.

I breathed in the cologne and smoke smell from the duvet, which caused me to face my eyes widen and  for me to jump up from the bed. I totally forgot I was at Niall's! Oh shit!

I opened the door from his room and walked in the living room to see Niall sleeping on the couch. Liam and him must have gotten drunk last night, because Liam was passed out on the couch next to him. 

Remember Hannah. He's trouble. He saved you. That's it.

I lightly shook Niall, as he groaned, and slapped my hand away. That's when I shook him harder. "Get up! We need to get to school" 

"Ugh. Alright fine. Li get up" Niall groaned and chucked a couch pillow at the other tattooed man asleep on the couch, who groaned as well. 

Niall ran his hand through his hair and stretched and stood up. 

"Can I have something to wear?" I asked, looking up into his blue eyes. Niall nodded, and went to his room and pulled out a loose sweat shirt. "You can wear your skirt from yesterday" He told me, as I nodded.

I went to the bathroom and pulled Niall's shirt over my head, and replaced it his sweat shirt. It smelt exactly like him. Smoke and the cologne. I hope no one gets the wrong idea.

I walked out to see Niall and Liam eating cereal. "Here" Niall said, and passed me the box and bowl. I dumped a little bit in the bowl, and poured a little bit of milk in the bowl. I sat down on the island next to Niall, and ate in silence, while Niall and Liam were talking.

They both stood up and I followed, and put my bowl in the sink. I followed them to the door and Niall grabbed his keys, and I followed them to Niall's black range rover.

I climbed into the back seat, and buckled my seat belt, but they didn't. Niall opened the glove box, and grabbed a packet of cigarettes, and gave one to Liam and they both lit them, and took a huff and blew the smoke out of the car.

I groaned, and rolled my eyes. I took out my phone and saw texts from all the girls. It was mostly asking if I was alright, and then they freaked out because I didn't reply.

I was interupted by the car stopping, as I looked out to see we were at school. Niall turned to me. "You needed a ride because your car broke down" He instructed as I nodded, and got out of the car to see everyone staring at me and whispering.

I quickly walked inside the school to find Perrie and Allana, to see them waiting at my locker. 

They stared at me. (O.O) "WHERE WERE YOU!" Perrie screamed harshly. 

I tensed up. What was I supposed to tell them? Oh you know, I walked the wrong way through an alley, almost got raped, but Niall was following me and then saved me and spent the night at his flat. Totally.

"I-I" I stuttered. I looked down. "Hannah" Allana scowled. 

The sound of the bell echoed throughout the hallway. I sighed. "Listen. I'll tell you later." 

"Oh no. Your telling me in 1st. Hannah, you gave us all a heart attack. We went back to your house, and like nobody was home. The lights were off." Allana scowled. 

"Alright, My parents were asleep. I was fine, okay!" I grew annoyed. I opened my locker grabbing my books, and slammed it to see Perrie walking down the hallway by herself and to see Allana glaring at me.

"I want everything. I know when people lie. You better tell me everything, or I swear to god Hannah Thirlwall, you will die." She insulted and grabbed my sweater sleeve, and dragged me to 1st hour.

I looked down. I didn't really have a choice to stay at Niall's. I mean, I know I should have fought my way to get him to take me home, Maybe I even should have been more angry or nervous. For all I know Niall could have murdered me. I kinda feel like I should have done more than just agree with everything. I just hate conflict and fighting. Fighting and loud angry shouting always scared me.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Allana opened the door to Mrs. Allen's class, as she dragged me to our seats.

Allana was so impatient, was tapping her notebook, and fidgeting in her seat, as Mrs. Allen was explaining that she will be passing out a work sheet, and we would need to be with partner, and to learn more about them by answering the questions on the paper.

After she dismissed us to start, Allana turned her seat to mine. "Tell me!" She almost screamed. I turned my head to see Niall paired with a busty blonde. I didn't want to feel jealous but I did. 

"Hannah!" She snapped her fingers in my face. "Huh? What?" I turned my attention back to her. "Don't avoid this subject. Tell me!" She whined.

I sighed, and played with my hands. "I was walking home the wrong way, and I got lost, so my phone told me to go through an alley way to get home quicker-"

"Hannah. Please don't tell me you went through an alley." Allana breathed out.

I nodded slowly, Allana looked like she was ready to slam her head onto the table.

"Continue" She mumbled.

I wasn't sure if I ready to tell her I was nearly raped. I mean, Maybe If I did, Niall would look like a good guy wouldn't he? But the thing holding me back is, We practically just met. Plus, I think she's a little mental in the head. No offense.

"Then uh, yeah, I got lost, and Niall was just walking and he told me it was to dangerous to walk around the neighborhood to late at night, so he just walked me back to his house, so I could just get ready to go to school tomorrow" I told her. Shit, did I just lie? I've never told such a big lie in my life. I felt my heart race. Allana studied my face for a while, as I just stared at her.

"Okay. I believe you." She said. I sighed to myself in my head. I wasn't proud of myself. I just lied. Sure i've told a little white lie here and there so I don't have to talk to people, but this was a whole other story. I played around with Niall's jacket string, breathing in the aroma that was applied onto this jacket.

Allana caught me out of thoughts, as she mentioned that we needed to fill out the paper.

We just put random answers, and turned it in, and sat down. I was packing up my backpack, as Allana tapped my shoulder. I turned to face her and she pointed to the jacket. "That jacket. It's not yours." She glared.

"I-Uh-I" I stuttered. "It's Niall's" I told her. Her face then turned. It was out of anger? Pity? Maybe Jealousy?

"What the fuck did I tell you about him!" She growled, narrowing her eyes. "Listen. Why the fuck is it such a big deal about who I hang out with?" I hissed back. 

"Ms. Starling and Ms. Thirlwall, Fighting will not be tolerated in this class, so if you do plan on this cat fight, you can take it to the head!" Mrs. Allen scowled at us. 

Me and Allana grew quiet, but she just glared. I know Allana just wants to help me to keep me safe, but she needs to get her nose out of my business.


Sorry for the late update D: I've been super busy. I took time out of a couple days to write this :) xx hopefully I can have another up soon x keep voting and commenting :)x

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