Chapter 12

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Chapter 12


"Wha-What" I stuttered. "But I don't like Niall?" I asked. 

"Well her head is screwed in the wrong direction. I'm pretty sure you know that by now" Jesy said, as I nodded in agreement. At least I wasn't the only one thinking that she was screwed up in the head. 

"Allana won't believe you if you told her you didn't like Niall. That girl thinks she can have Niall, but Niall doesn't even talk to her. The only people he's friends with his punk group and the whores he sleeps with." Perrie added.

"I'm just going to forget it. At least I know I don't like him." I said, and began walking out of the school with them. I got into my mum's car and sighed against the seat. "Had a nice day, love?" She asked me, while driving towards the exit. "I guess" I mumbled.

She drove past Niall and his friends at Niall's car, while they were having a smoke, smirking. My mum scoffed. "What?" I asked, turning my head to face her. "I hope you don't talk to people like that." She spat. I was silent for a second. "Of course not." I said, turning my head back to the car window to catch a glimpse of the outside world. 

The rest of the ride was silent. I really didn't want to talk anyways. Rain started to patter onto the window, and the sun slowly fading away in the ugly clouds, as my mum pulled up into the drive way. I left the car and quickly scattered into the warmth of my grandmum's house. I said a quick hello to my grandmum who was sitting on her couch knitting, and ran into my room, and sighed and fell into my bed.

Allana was crazy. Everyone knew it too. She's wrong. I have no feelings towards that punk kid. Probably never will. Oh god, Who am I kidding, he's hot. That's it, just hot. No feelings. Stop thinking about him and he'll go away.

My thoughts were bouncing everywhere. I need to relax. 

*The next day...*

I woke up and just sat around on Tumblr the whole day. I decided that would be the best thing to do. Laughter was the key. I searched up Thanks Obama gifs the entire day, not paying attention to anything, until a tapping took me out of my trance to the computer. 

"Huh?" I looked around to see the sun setting. "Wow." I breathed out.

"I opened my window, and looked down to see Jesy and Perrie. "What are you doing here!?" I whisper/yelled. "Let us in. Your going to that party tonight!" Perrie answered quite loudly. "SH! Keep your voice down. And No I will not! I told you I can't!" 

"Well you are." Jesy said, and took Perrie up front with her. Seconds later, the door bell rang. I pinched the bridge of my nose. 

"Hey girls" I heard my mum's voice from the door. "Hello Ms. Thirlwall, Is Hannah home?" I heard Perrie's voice turn all loud pitched. "Of course, dear, she's in her room, I didn't know she was having a sleepover." My mum responded, and let them in, 

"Oh by the way girls, we have church in the morning so we will be leaving by 10." My mum side noted, as they nodded and ran into my room. 

"Party time." Jesy smiled, and put the giant bag on my bed. "Jesy-" I almost began.

"No, No, No, darling, your going, Let loose, you'll be home in time to go to sleep and wake up in time for church." Perrie said, started to put her dress on. "Let's see what kind of dresses you have." Jesy said, and started to look through the dresses I have.

"Do you not have any party dresses?" She asked. "Um. I don't party." I replied, looking down at the floor.

"I knew something like this would happen." Perrie sighed, taking out a tight looking, red dress that was low cut, and showed a lot of cleavage. "Uh... No..." I said, "I'm not that type of girl." 

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