Chapter 7

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  I knew first period would be horrible. I knew it. Maybe skipping wouldn't have been such a bad idea?

  I didn't skip though. I didn't want Walter and Paige to get the wrong impression.

  The bell rang and I slipped into my DIY class. I quickly took my seat in the back left. Much like left field in baseball, not too much happened and not too many people paid attention to me. Just the way I liked it.

  "Alright, alright, take your seats!" Mr. Duvall said to the class. Almost immediately everyone sat down.

  "Thank you. It looks like we have a new student," he said. I put my head on the table and sighed knowing that it would be me. Not new or anything but I did have a last name now.

  "Taylor O'Brien?" Mr. Duvall asked and I slowly raised my head off of the desk.

  "That would be me," I said quickly. It went silent for several seconds and I refused to look up from my desk.

  "Wow, someone finally felt sorry enough to adopt you? That's unbelievable," one of the girls in the class said. That was enough to make the rest of the class snicker.

  "That's enough. Congrats Taylor," Mr. Duvall said simply and I resumed my position of head on the table. One month. Just one more month.






  "How'd today go?" Paige asked as I got in the car. Ralph was in the backseat drawing in a notebook.

  "High school sucks, that's all I have to say."

  "Oh wow. Okay then. Way to be blunt about it," Paige said with a grin.

  "I can't really complain though. My life is better now than ever. Thank you," I said and stole a glance at Paige. She smiled and ruffled my hair a little before she started the car and drove in the direction of the garage.

  Once we got there, Ralph jumped out quickly and ran inside. Paige and I followed.

  "Hey guys," a lady said as soon as we walked through the door. She was standing by Sylvester's desk and had brown wavy hair. I noted that she was on crutches. I had never seen her before.

  "Taylor, this is Megan," Sylvester said. I smiled and waved at her.

  "I'm Walter's sister," she said soon after. Weird, Walter never mentioned he had a sister. But as I looked at her I noticed some obvious similarities she had with Walter.

  "Nice to meet you," I said with another smile. Megan seemed very open and friendly, a polar opposite from Walter.

  "You too," she said, also smiling.

  Megan turned and went back to her conversation with Sylvester. I looked around and noticed that the rest of the team was absent.

  "Where's everyone else?" I asked Paige.

  "Happy is probably with her dad and Walter and Toby said they had some things they had to do," Paige said. When she mentioned the guys, her eyes darkened a little.

  My mind reeled for a moment and I asked, "Wait, Happy's an orphan, isn't she?"

  Paige nodded, "Yes, but she was able to track down her dad and it turns out he does mechanical work as well. Happy goes to his shop sometimes and helps out."

  I found that odd. Happy seemed like the kind of person that would distance herself from any family members she had. Then again, if I had the chance to work with my dad again, I would take it.

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